I hate you. You peaked my interest. and every word means exactly what it says right? no misdirection correct?
Yumi (Or in other words emo asian girl) Left a long time ago without notice when the site was still young/before V Bulletin. Link to emo asain girl profile: Forge Hub Halo Forums - View Profile: emo asian girl.
No.... D= Now I will go flame your thread about the shitty gameplay. Go in forge delete every spawn but one and play with 16 people. Put a vid on YT and ur thread. Thou shalt not be Pre,ium.
I just wanted to tell you that 8 Emerald legs is amazing. You'll remember me when you 're a premium, won't cha?
On the actual post (as in you have to be reading it), there are a few options in the top right corner above the text. For rules threads and the like you want to "pin" and "lock."
I didn't find it, I made it silly! With GIMP. And since I'm a Premium I can upload an animated avatar whenever I so desire. ;)