hey dident you ban star of knights i think he was telling the truth because you wouldent post a map thats just been posted even if you made a remake unless you made the oranginal (carnt spell) and he is preety new too the fourms and if you go on his profile he is talking too one of the staff or mod or something but view their conversation and he says he made the madp a while ago so it wont say map saved 3 days ago it says something bigger and thethe staff guy said he'll look into it so why dont you?
Hey man,I was playing with you,fritzster,kon artist and everybody earlier tonight,you should add me on xbox and we should play sometime,just send me a message.I hope to get know everybody here on forgehub a lot better,cya
I forgot to include an apology in my pm, if you even bothered to read it. Sorry about the spam, and bothering you. :3
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/51424-manifest-helps-way-right.html#post655417 Sweeny and I finally posted our mapzors. Not sure if you liked it or not, though we made some tweakss