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Mar 22, 1994 (Age: 30)
You're mommy?

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Ancient, from You're mommy?

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ZANDER1994 was last seen:
Nov 11, 2014
    1. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      Who are the other two guys? I am very skilled with aesthletics and it comes natural to me. Gameply is what I am working on and now I can do that very well too. Trust me. I'll have it back. Let me collab with you and we'll be one featured map away from premium!

      I can defenetly do it better than the other guys and it WON'T take that long for me to be finished with it. We'll have it at LEAST a week and a half before the competition is finished.
    2. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      It'll take about 10 days. The xbox people said and I added 3 extra days because it usually comes late. And we have until late Feb so we'll have plenty of time. Im good at aesthletics and I can help you with the rooms.

      If we collab we can win it :)
    3. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      My xbox spazzed again so I had to send it back. I'll get it back in about 10 days.

      I would be happy to help you but since the basic design of a conquest map is already desided, aesthletics play a huge part when making a conquest map origonal so I would want it to be a collaboration.

      But since we have until like Feb 28 its OK. Evan though you'll have to wait a week and a half its going to be worth it because I'm a beast at aestletics and we can win the contest. And it counts as a feature so wait untill I can help you. Can I have some google sketchup pics so I can see the map and start brainstorming?

      But I'll be happy to help if it counts as a collab! (than this will count as one feature and when me and Blaze make High Voltage v2 that might get me premium lol) and I have a really sexy map coming out for doubles that is unnamed that I will enter into ATLAS that might get it too!
    4. Playerhata27
    5. Playerhata27
      I'll probably be on around 6 or so.
    6. Playerhata27
      Alright, sounds good.
    7. BatteryIncluded
      hey, I thought you might like to see this site Forge Haven
    8. CowardKLNGtime
      Ohkay, I'll make them in detail for you by this weekend.
    9. arrrghSAM
      Does Republic Commando run on the 360?
      I used to have it on the original Xbox, but sold it along with the console :/
    10. Playerhata27
    11. Playerhata27
      You really use my guide? Thanks man.
    12. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      Dude. I am getting my xbox today because the USP people just called. Sorry I couldn't make TGIF but the xbox repairs... it wasn't my fault. How did it go without me?

      And your not pissed at me are you?
    13. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      I don't do a video recap nor does one have to be made. If you want to you can take screenshots and either make a thread about it or send them to me. If I see any good ones I'll put them in the TGIF recap. ;) --You also have to send me a written recap of your party. Send that to me via PM.
    14. Catmon
      I see you're online, want to play some slayer on Elegy? I could drop a review on your thread then.
    15. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      i had already started my TGIF... next time dont leave it to the last minute to send FR to the gamertags or finding info about hosting
    16. ZANDER1994
      K, I'm in the custom games lobby waiting for peeps to join.
    17. drak
      yes, do.
    18. ZANDER1994
      Do you have the most up to date version? It seems that the one that is on BlazeIsGod's file share has a few parts that are off.
    19. drak
      I would like it if I can be assured to be in your party when High Voltage is playing, as I am co-creator, and am assigned to make the video for it. Thanks if so :D
    20. ZANDER1994
      Maybe I can find some other pic that is a rabbit. Thanks vorpal.
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    Mar 22, 1994 (Age: 30)
    You're mommy?


    I believe the correct term is "pooned".

    I often times speak without thinking. If you feel my post is derogatory please PM me.