Strange, I thought I'd fixed it a few hours ago. Try again - still not letting you view the home page?
how the hell did you do that? actually do not tell me because i am too tired to remember anything and im falling asleep while tipng ths i sprsd im avtslly tpng rht gd nyt
its cold it started snowing today and i was like fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu- yeah we have had about 30 inches in the past month
cause i made that when they first mentioned the guardians so i made a picture for that rank but they did not use mine :( but i still keep it as the guardians because it makes me feel spechal! lol
Australians are really Brits. New Zealanders are really Australians. Therefore, you are British, like Shock.
nothin much just chillin around the forums stealin your flags. all the usual. hows it being a guardian?
Watchu talking about I have been beast at the drums for a long time now. Actually I have not played Rock Band in a good while.
Your call on locking it, I don't really care. It's pointless, and I already deleted the first one. But he went ahead and reposted. I don't care, someone will probably come in and flame him.
IDK, but it was a mistake. Either way its funny, and I don't care if I get infracted for it... and if it is, I want you to infract me :)