And I just saw your conversation with Lone. If you want another sick shirt site, go to Threadless graphic t-shirt designs; cool & funny t-shirts weekly! Tees designed by the community.. That's where I get all my shirts.
Hey man your map Renegade is amazing! I liked it so much I posted a video on youtube of it heres the link if you want to watch it although its in the video with two other maps as well :) YouTube - Halo 3 - Supernatural Map Pack Skip to near the end of the video to see Renegade. Also, heres the link to a really crappy and old video I made of Renegade: YouTube - Halo 3 Custom Map - "Renegade"
xD. Sucks. Though, I heard from a professional designer friend of mine that CS4 has some really cool 3D stuff. It's probably pretty memory friendly, as opposed to other 3D things. I'm going to install CS4 whenever this rendering finishes, so if you want a link to the 'warez' copy that I'm going to be using, say so.
Yeah. It came with something called Net Render that uses like network processing power to render the image, so I'm going to look into that. Doubt I'll be able to use it though. Anyway, what program did you end up getting?
So, I got Cinema 4D and started messing around. I got this tutorial for this cool C4D and I followed it. Now, the only way to save the C4D in a format that is openable in Photoshop is to first render the actual design to the picture viewer. Guess what? It's been four hours and it's only a quarter done. It's not even anything super complicated, just like a simple C4D :( It's crazy. But so far, the quarter of it that I can see looks sexy :D
I'm not sure. I haven't really had to do stuff like this even when I was holidays, my parents did it. I'm sure there'd be a site saying what to put infront of the number. I'm not sure. Sorry I couldn't be of more service.
Okay cool. I've been meaning to have a go at hand drawn stuff for a while now, but have never had the materials, especially since my printer/scanner failed on me.
That's cool, pretty good I got paid £250 a few days ago aha Do you use a particular program when you do your illustrations and whatever, or do you just use Photoshop and Illustrator? Gotta love the ol' Mac Mini eh? My combo used to be the Pro and a really old Mac Cube, but I thought it was time for a switch :D I live close to Heathrow Airport, but work in Central London (Please tell me you know what Heathrow Airport is! The amount of people I've spoken to who LIVE in the UK, yet have never heard of it amazes me! >.>) Thanks for the advice by the way.
Hey, I know you don't really know me but here goes.. I've been thinking about getting a graphics tablet, but seeing as I use a G5 Mac Pro and G5 Mac Mini as my main computers I didn't want to end up getting one that wouldn't work. Do you have any preference or advice when buying one? Oh, and I live in London so I doubt a lack of a certain shop will matter :P Thankyouuuuu
Pencil tool for the outlines, and then paint bucket to fill 'em in. I then went with a small eraser around their edges to fix them up and add a few ruffles to make them more realistic.
Yo, what do you think of this: