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Jul 21, 2022 at 4:15 PM
Jan 26, 2008
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May 11, 1986 (Age: 38)
Cheshire/North West, England B
Dalai Farmer

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Ancient, from Cheshire/North West, England B

Senior Member
buddhacrane was last seen:
Jul 21, 2022
    1. ForgeGod117
      Perhaps you'd be interested in this to show off some of your maps.
    2. buddhacrane
      Yeah I've not been online in aaaaaaages. I should be on properly sometime next week. You may even be able to drag me away from Fallout 3 if you're lucky.

      I'm not 100% sure which map you're referring to but I'm sure I'll remember when I see it.
    3. Mental
      Buddha i need you to look over what i have done to that map we were making so long ago..... i need a second oppinion on some things that i dont feel are up to the standard we are looking for.

      Plus is pretty much finished and NEEDS some last minute changes and testing before i completely screw it up,
      :D join me whenever you get the chance.
    4. B3NJ4M1N08
      OMG! My and my freinds spent almost 3 hours trying to complete Hell on Earth, and we still havent beat it! I know what you mean by this is a one person game. It probably wouldn't have taken so long if we didn't have people who quit thus ending the freakin game so we had to restart from the beginning!!! Anyway just wanted to say u made me think twice about the way I feel about puzzles. Your's are so complex and insanely hard! Your hints do help but I think they are sometimes more like riddles or puzzles in themselves that make you think about every word that you reveal. Just lettin ya know that even though we havent beaten it yet and everyone was so frustrated, we all had A LOT of fun figuring it out :) Oh, and I dont want to even think about trying re on carnation or rack on tours.
    5. ForgeGod117
    6. TDH
    7. Linubidix
    8. HydroZoid
      lol mental... that makes sense tho what with the name and all, plus ive heard that the symbol for the sandbox skull achievment is the forge icon(hammer and anvil)

      huhu... ill laugh if one of the other two maps is the one designed specifically for forge....
    9. Mental
      Cuz itz gunna have like a bucket and shovel, to build a sandcastle with you know?.....
    10. buddhacrane
      Because I'm hoping Sandbox will have cool new Forge specific stuff that will inspire - that Sandbox is a map being made especially for Forge in someway, like Foundry is. (Not nessecceraly in a "Canvas" kind've way, but maybe something else, I dunno)
    11. HydroZoid
      why sandbox specifically? why wouldnt the other two maps inspire you?
    12. buddhacrane
      you guys are weird.

      Anyhoo I looked at making a Distorted map on the other maps, but there are no where near enough materials to make anything half-decent. There's also nothing on the other maps that I could use to make anything better than what I can make on Foundry. Why downgrade myself just for the sake of saying "Hey, I made it on a different map"?

      I'm hoping sandbox will inspire me to be able to make something fresh with the distorted concept. I'm not just going to make a new distorted map for the sake of it, I'd wan't to be able to make something good out of it.
    13. Mental
      ....What LoL?.....
    14. Kagemusha
      To the BuddhaCrane... Buddha + Crane. Pics, or fails.
    15. Katanga
      Buddha, have you ever considered making a Distortion on Avalanche, Blackout or Ghost Town? I'm trying to make a Distortion-style map on avalanche, and it's turning out fairly ok. I reckon you could pull it off.

      Name ideas (For a laugh)


      This way up (For liek a cargo barge on Blackout)

      Yeah, don't take this seriously. I was just asking.
    16. buddhacrane
      Rargh! Make that highest downloads on BF's Maps for this week.

      Number of People claiming I stole Their Distortion Map: 5

      I find it hilarious that they would actually personally send me a message on Xbox Live saying I stole their map. Just who do they think they're going to fool? I made the map, how am I going to possibley be tricked into believing they did?!

      This was the best one though (his second response btw): "No I did make it, I made it in Halloween 2007"

      I responded: "Wow, you made it before Foundry was even released? I'm impressed!"

      His response: "No I said AFTER Haloween January 1st"

      I simply responded "Lolwut?" and got no reply :'(

      True Story!
    17. Mental
      Yaaaah Distortion now has the 2nd highest downloads on BF's

      Its only 100 Dl's behind the hippodrome... ur almost to the top :D
    18. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      Yo I just released my map yesterday, it turned out very well. Had a ton of views and ****.
      This is the one I been talking about at forge for thought. Castlanche
    19. RaVNzCRoFT
      You don't know me, but I saw your post here and I just wanted to tell you that my GH drum set also broke...three times, three different pads. I fixed them by opening the set and doing some soldering. So if you have any skill in that, I'd recommend going for it. If not...you're out of luck. ;)
    20. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Did you ever post that video of the Gridlocked escapes to your file share? =)
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  • About

    May 11, 1986 (Age: 38)
    Cheshire/North West, England B
    Dalai Farmer
    I'm a badger with Necrotizing fasciitis (You're so gonna look up what that is on Wiki!)

    Disturbing your mind, soul, body, aura and general well-being


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