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Ancient, from Somewhere.

Senior Member
DekuLink333 was last seen:
Aug 12, 2012
    1. Bloo Jay
    2. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Hello Stone.
    3. xFr1ct10nx
    4. xFr1ct10nx
      thx, srry i was gone for a while i was over at my dads
      no pc there, but i do hav xbl ther
    5. Playerhata27
      I respect you for somewhat defending bush. It is the internet, but it gets frustrating after people accuse him of all these lies.
    6. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      i am yet to appoint a mod.. im gonna be watching but i dont know you too well so i dont know your experience or anything. just so you know usually members who participate in the beta end up getting some special rank, so just be active and helpful and you will get something
    7. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      halo secrets- Hey Deku, i know you made that thread about the bungie's website.. i thought you might be interested in my upcoming forum. its the open beta as of tonight
    8. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Dope Wars lol
    9. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Lol I found it on Facebook in an Application.
    10. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Yes. Google
    11. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      YARLY... I think.
    12. Bloo Jay
    13. xFr1ct10nx
      yo, J A Y is unretiring for real this time, and is unlocking the thread soon. get some work/info together and pics if you have found anything, k?
    14. xFr1ct10nx
      hey, i added u on MSN. so u know.
      me and BJ(Homer) use it all the time so if u ever need to talk to us or watever, we'll probably be on there.
    15. xFr1ct10nx
    16. GingerAle28
      Check Red Vs. Blue rules and post the pic in your sig
    17. xFr1ct10nx
      hey if u have any other good maps/ideas for gametypes for the HALO-ween thing me and Bluejay(Homer) are doing just tell one of us.
    18. xFr1ct10nx
      hey! what is up.
    19. Assassin of Joy
      Assassin of Joy
      Hey, thanks for your positive feedback for Collision! =)

      Also, just wanted to let you know that Collision 2.0 will be released in kind of a Map Pack featuring the Canvas by Public Servent which Collis. was built on, it will also include another Map on Blackout by Public (which looks amazing!). Just to give you an idea, here are a couple of pics from it: Overwiew and "inside". That should be enough to get insta-featued... ^_^

      Btw incase you didn't realize, all the Boxes are fully "Color coded", which took quite some time. (I guess you could say: Bungie making Boxes random colors = Wasting Hours of my time :( )
      But, hopefully people will see the potential of Forging on Blackout, the possibilities are truly endless, I mean someone could even do a Boarding Action remake from Halo 1...not me, though. :D

      Lastly, you're "MLG Soundbarrier" Map looks great aesthetically and gameplay-wise, can't wait to play on it. Love your avatar too!