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Jun 12, 2023 at 7:17 PM
May 1, 2008
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Ancient, Male, from London, UK

Senior Member
Pegasi was last seen:
Jun 12, 2023
    1. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Epic post in the God debate, it's going to be hard to debate that one, LOL
    2. mastersync23
      Seriously? I'm getting into it, but COD 4 and Halo 3 are sort my top games. I guess it's an acquired taste.
    3. SargeantSarcasm
      I figured you would. Tis a british television show.

      and he's a virtual nobody, he was in like one show on BBC apparently...

    4. SargeantSarcasm
    5. mastersync23
      Yeah, wouldn't mind chatting again. Sorry about the slow response, I went out to JB-HiFi to buy Fallout 3. Is it any good?
    6. mastersync23
      Oh well. As for me, I've started doing the COD4 Prestige Mode. Don't even contemplate doing it. It sucks giant, saggy, man balls. And some of the people you meet! I was walking my 7 week old pup, and I usually let her of the lead, right? So she sees this woman with two little terriers. My dog, Toto, runs up to them, and starts herding them up a bit. The woman walking her dogs says to Toto, I quote here, "Get the **** away from me, you little mother-****er". So I run up and put her on the lead. She turns to me and says "**** off, and keep that dog on it's ****ing lead". So, 50m away from the ***** Woman, I let Toto off again. She bolts after the terriers again. So I run after her, but ***** Woman looks ready to tear my head off. "Put that ****ING dog on it's ****ING lead!!! It's got one, SO ****ING USE IT!!" she screams. So I do. I'm only thirteen too. So basically she's swearing at a kid. Do you agree she's a rude *****?
    7. mastersync23
      Hey, haven't spoken to you in a while. How's that MacBook Air coming along?
    8. ScarFac3d
      Sorry for bothering you, I just found out that the person that gave me the infraction reversed Chron's warning.
    9. ScarFac3d
      Hey , can you help me with something? I got a warning for a necro post, but the post wasn't a necro post, if you check, it was on the same exact day as the person before me. Later, I recieved an infraction for a post that was a necro post. I am assuming Running Chron, whom gave me the warning, was mistaken on which post to give me a warning for, which brings me to the conclusion that I should not get both a warning and an infraction for the same post, am I right?
    10. Whisper
      I was just thinking about Featured stuff, and I had an idea. This might be under discussion for Feature already, but what about having a featured gametype, like Clue or Conquest. Then having like 2 or 3 maps that are the BEST for that gametype and including a small review of them in that featured post. Like, for clue you could have The Archive, Ice House, and The Estate, or something. Or for Conquest you could have Chasm, Traction, and Waterworks. What do you think? Of course this idea will need some ironing out, but I think it has potential.
    11. SargeantSarcasm
      LOL...drugged brits...

      I'm about to take a very detailed analysis of everything in "12 Angry Men" point by point so that my rewrite of the script will follow a similar format and will develop my characters properly as the original did so very very well.
    12. SargeantSarcasm
      yeah it looks awesome, I've not tried it out yet myself though.

      boredom lol. I'm not one for parties. couldve gone, but meh. I was just reading stuff and watching movies with my sis.

      and yourself?
    13. SargeantSarcasm
      lol 4PM?

      and L4D is great online...just the whole group dynamic feels original.
      my stepbro showed me something i didnt know about last night, commentary go through the entire City campaign without worrying about getting killed, and you click these little commentary boxes and the Devs tell you about how they made the game and give you demos about specific parts like the Boomers and whatnot...its great.
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      I tried out Fallout

      and I've resolved myself to write a review for L4D first as I've not completed the CoD:WaW campaign (I always play on Vet. first)
    15. SargeantSarcasm

      and I love my X3s but I'll sell em to a friend and get X4s...hell its better sound than my HDTV...and with SS itll be shitloads better

      and adieu dude...ill be on TD tomorrow as well.
    16. SargeantSarcasm
      Its fun online...I played the HL2 games, they failed...CSS is great fun if you find a good, reliable, amiable server.

      And I didn't realize there were X4s...hmmmm
    17. SargeantSarcasm
      Lol...I was tempted to do one on Fallout 3...but then I figured that Stefan did one and that you would soon follow and opted against it...despite it being allowed to have multiple reviews...i figured we need more variety at start up

      L4D or CoD:WaW will be my first review...

      and Turtle Beach rocks...X3's correct?
    18. SargeantSarcasm
      good. im watching "Burn After Reading" atm...

      ive got much writing ahead of me tomorrow...scripting the community spotlight, and a few pieces for TD

      how bout yourself?
    19. SargeantSarcasm
      briton! my computer works!
    20. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      Indeed. I've got the drinking part all down. :D (I paid $50.00 of it)
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