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Oct 10, 2010 at 4:05 PM
Dec 20, 2008
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TR1COR3 was last seen:
Oct 10, 2010
    1. TR1COR3
      Archlord is the game i play, its free to play, however if you want to get good at the game, you pretty much have to buy credits, which enable you too buy things such as potions that increase your health, defense and things like that. Although some players sell the credits for in game gold, however it costs ALOT. Im currently playing the server 'Cyripus' which is a PvP server, meaning you can drop your armor and items if you die in PvP. Its probably worth checking out the forums before logging in, just to learn a few of the basics. And a word of warning, its a big grinder game, meaning it can take a long time to level up; some people love others hate it. PM me if you like and i can tell you my in game name.
    2. Dizfunky
      I was wondering, what MMO do you play that you said had ~ 20,000 people and 4 servers, etc.

      I want to try it out. Also, is it pay to play, or free?
    3. d4rkdemon
      yh me 2 send me msg about if u wanna join clan u could do battles but only if u want and we have a few good forgers in our clan 2 and we all love custom games 2 lol
    4. TR1COR3
      Unlucky lol, im only rank 13, dont really do that much matchmaking just cumtom games.
    5. d4rkdemon
      srry but my xbox broke 2 days after xmas (bad luck) but add me anyway an what rank are u on halo because i will add u to my clan if u want we are boss in fighting and battles but not maney of us do alot of forge me well if i get a idea for forge i do it.
    6. TR1COR3
      I began forging a map before this one however ran out of ideas, ill add you on xbox live gimmie 2 secs.
    7. d4rkdemon
      hey err can u tell me what your gamertag is mine is d4rkdemon an could u tell me if u have any more maps or are in the middle of a map
    8. d4rkdemon
      i will say again your map is boss my fav fatkid map
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