Dec 2, 2007
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Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf

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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. Linubidix
      If I ever get the opportunity, I'll do it.
      I'm reluctant to spend money either buy or borrowing, and I don't think any of my mates have it. I think it's being replayed on TV though.
    2. Linubidix
      Oh, I haven't seen that one.
      I don't think I watched much or any of season 4.

      I couldn't get myself back into the show.
    3. Mastar
    4. Mastar

      Tell me something that will change my life
    5. Linubidix
      Which episode was that, I kind of gave up on Lost but I watch it every now and again.
    6. Whisper
      I was just thinking about Featured stuff, and I had an idea. This might be under discussion for Feature already, but what about having a featured gametype, like Clue or Conquest. Then having like 2 or 3 maps that are the BEST for that gametype and including a small review of them in that featured post. Like, for clue you could have The Archive, Ice House, and The Estate, or something. Or for Conquest you could have Chasm, Traction, and Waterworks. What do you think? Of course this idea will need some ironing out, but I think it has potential.
    7. Whisper
      Is it just me or do all the Journalists on this site suck at writing? You and I really should be the only two Journalists on this site. (Maybe with Reyn also, for variety ;))
    8. BASED GOD
      D'you like Jim Jarmusch?
    9. Pegasi
      That's my general itinerary, thought I might as well follow my brothers to my mates house. Had a good time though, 12 hours of solid revelry was good, and laughing gas a plenty, lulz
    10. Pegasi
      Reasonable hour for me :P

      That sounds pretty cool actually, a great alternative to the sucky commentary and making of dvds that are always collectors edition only, and you never even watch. I shall try it next time I'm round my mate's house.

      What tidings did the new year bring for ol' Sarge?
    11. Pegasi
      You're on at a reasonable hour! What sorcery is this?

      Wow indeed, my friend. Wow indeed.

      L4D sounds good as a review, I shall await your take on it. I've had multiple friends irl hassling me to try it online, especially as zombies. I still don't see what all the fuss is about, but I guess I should try it before making my mind up...
    12. Waylander
      Getting on now.
    13. Shatakai
      Can I have recon, please?
    14. Nemihara
    15. Debo37
      You noticed it. :P

      I actually only posted it on the pages of people that had commented on the ForgeHub thread for the original Nooks&Crannies. It's a "followup" thing, if you will. N&C did have around twelve pages of comments though! It's really funny how positive the comments on the new one are now that I'm a Premium; on the thread for Nooks&Crannies (the first one) there were essentially two types of comments: sarcastic and negative. This current one has a mood of positivity and curiosity.

      The best part about the whole thing? THE PEOPLE COMMENTING ON IT ARE THE EXACT SAME ONES AS THE FIRST TIME. Their changed attitude is most likely in regards to my changed member status; no massive changes have occurred on FH since June/July.
    16. Pegasi
      G'night. Always a pleasure my good man.
    17. Pegasi
      Online is where it shines, I hear. I never got to play it on LIVE, but I will make sure to give it a go before I condemn it to Pegasi-based death.

      Yeah dude, the X4s are sexy indeed. Surround sound is definitely where it's at for teh Haloz.

      I'm call it a day and head off now dude, 12 hours straight of revelry has taken its toll. Now you are computered up again I shall see you soon though, you'll probably see me mooching on TD tomorrow.
    18. Pegasi
      Yeah, variety is the way to go, my only defence here being that good ol' Stean followed my lead on Fallout, he's just a beaver and got his out before me, little surprise :P.

      I think both of those are good calls. I played L4D and, like everything on the Steam engine, it failed to do much for me.

      Nah, X1s. They're the cheapest (which was the main reason), but tbh I prefer wired over wireless, fewer batteries to deal with. I wouldn't have minded the X4s, 5.1 surround would have been sweet, but screw paying more than double for it. Neither the X3s nor the X4s are available here yet as well, pro-order only jobbies. Still, I like my X1s, they're snug and warm.
    19. Pegasi
      Ah, I've heard that it's awesome.

      Planning on sleeping soon, still just running after the night's shenanigans. But after that I've got to finish my Fallout piece for TD. But, tbh, I just got my Turtle Beach headset after a while of waiting, so we can safely say that tomorrow (or later today) is going to contain at least trace elements of Halo.
    20. Pegasi
      Sweet, we has you all to our little selves then don't we? How's new years for your fine self?
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    Los Angeles
    Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf
    Watching tons of movies, writing, listening to R&B/Motown/Classic Rock


    The Lulz List​

    12:01 am PacMonster1: Thought this was going to be one of those never ending conversations where you act all haughty and ****