... To be fair I loll'd when I found out your were warned! Roflmfao! It is kinda funny! theres me thinking I am a retard for laughing, AND IT'S FUNNY! WAHAHAHA! Oh crap, I just realized my secret stash of cocaine is on fire.. *Inhale*
tsk tsk i think we'll have to hit that little button labelled report for such offensive comics as that. You might get banned considering you've already been warned.
Don't go around claiming things without proof, it makes you look like an idiot. "Your honor, this man posted the exact same machinima i was working on." "Do you have proof?" "Errrr i didn't release it yet" Imagine how the judge would fine in that situation?
skittle gets a patent on de switch then yous can make him does it! i can gis use 1 in a bit. if you don't he can use the switch in all his maps!
To be fair, calling me a '****bag' is grounds for a ban, but i'll let it slide because i'm not a ****. It's been looked at in the Staff Forum and they are to stay.