I would very much appreciate to have a group of people who I start the game with, and end it with. It makes it very more comfortable, and predictable. How far do you think we can get done tonight?
Alt strum it. I don't do good on it at all. I can FC it every single time on Slow, but I can't get FS own for some reason.
Nice, nice. I don't post, but I upload a lot of my songs. But yeah,lately I haven't been playing much GH either, but I'm starting to play GH1, ha. I think I have 31 FC's, but I can't seem to 5* Raining Blood. And I find it kind of funny that I have 31 FC's, have FC'd Solo 1A of Surfing with the Alien, but can't tap the intro to TTFAF on FS. =\
Hey, how many FC's do you have? Just curious. And also, I think I saw you say something about ScoreHero and was wondering if you used it.