GD27 BlueDevil
Last Activity:
Apr 16, 2012 at 6:19 PM
Jan 27, 2008
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Apr 25, 1990 (Age: 34)
Miami, Florida
Fighting Crime

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GD27 BlueDevil

Ancient, from Miami, Florida

Senior Member
GD27 BlueDevil was last seen:
Apr 16, 2012
    1. ScarFac3d
      You can't get back on XBL? Don't think so.
    2. drak
      sorry, I wasnt online...
    3. ForgeGod117
      999 posts. and you get banned from spam.
    4. Mace
      lololololololololololololololololol that sux tho, divorces....
    5. drak
      I cant get online right now sorry. And I cant send you images by 3 pm. I live in florida too...
      Just leave it for one more day, post it on the 2nd.
    6. drak
      OH YEAH BTW, dont think I cant take the pictures and everything, its just I have a lot on my mind right now, because my mom ****ed up me moving.....again. So I'll take them, but not as soon as I hoped I would, you know?
    7. drak
      Idontthinkso, because I found out at 12:30 am on New Year's, that I'm not moving because my mom ****ed it up. Again. I'm working on fixing yeah, sorry.
    8. drak
    9. a pmp nmd slkbk
      a pmp nmd slkbk
      meh not realy, if you see me on its my brother his acount ran out, i gave up video games cuz it was ruining my life =[ so ya
    10. drak
      I don't see myself aaannnyyywhere in the writeup. Add me.
    11. drak
    12. drak

      And fail, I can't take my xbox with me. What, am I going to be playing on THIS BULLSHIT?


      jk, but no seriously, they have a crappy tv.

      I need to talk to you over XBL about something....important, majorly, majorly important.
    13. Psycho
      Why thank you good sir. :D I hope you're ok with the corner wall I added to your structure.
    14. drak
      Post it. I have to majorly apologize, but I have to say there won't be a video. Seeing as I am moving in less than a week, I have packed everything up. On top of that, I have no video editing program that is actually decent enough. Therefore, I can't make it. I'm really sorry, to you and blaze.
      Hopefully, you dont get too disappointed....
    15. Psycho
      You need one more post for 1000! I just randomly noticed lul.
    16. Psycho
      Finished my part of Project Askar, pics in group.
    17. Blaze
      Sorry about earlier my ****in gram shu tthe xbox off on me.. so I just got pissed and let m,y friend play for awhile
    18. ZANDER1994
      I also sent you a pm about the TGIF recap since it's too long to type here. It's the same one that I sent vorpal.
    19. ZANDER1994
      No, of course not. The only reason I've not been accepting some of your requests to play is because I was playing with a few of my friends from school and didn't want to leave them because I had neglected to play with them the night of the TGIF. We played high voltage once, but it was not the most up to date version I don't think, and most people wanted to play classics and mini games anyway. Playahata didn't come either but that's okay.
    20. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Well a few folks that worked at Bungie broke off and started a new company (shishka included). Them along with some new talent they made the final 2 DLC maps for halo 2, Tombstone and another map which escapes me at the moment. So it's possible another company will be making new maps.

      There have been rumors that bungie isn't making halo 4, the creators of halo pc of are, so they could be making a few maps in the future as well.
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  • About

    Apr 25, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Miami, Florida
    Fighting Crime
    GD27 ShockWav3
    I am a teenager that likes playing baseball, forging and messing around with my friends.

    Playing baseball, forging, building things and drawing.
