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Sep 12, 2011 at 5:54 PM
Mar 8, 2008
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Ancient, from U.S. of A.

Senior Member
evan12075 was last seen:
Sep 12, 2011
    1. EGP
      What shooting are you talking about? I go to Pattonville High School
    2. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      Haha hope we dont have to go through what we did last time :)

      Make sure you review consists of both One flag and TS. Ffa wouldn't hurt either lol

      Both me and Blaze got rrod during the making of High Voltage :)
    3. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      I see your looking at High Voltage right now :) I hope we don't half to go through what happened when I released Code Impulse!!!
    4. Bartoge
      yeah, im doing pretty good with the geomerging, but open boxes are the hardest right now.
    5. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      I have a question mabey you could answer, I was just wondering:

      My xbox LIVE screwed up earlier and I want to work on my map while forging under local but the DLC maps aren't showing up. What do I do?
    6. Toxic Spade
    7. Bartoge
      Hey, well I was going to make a map on Avalanche, and remembered your hyperborean map and was wondering how you geomerged all those objects so straight and flat. If you have time could you tell or show me?
    8. Debo37
      I think the Trio group needs to be started sometime soon... talk to JB and whoever else you can about it.
    9. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      I haz red rings. Be back on as soon as I can.
    10. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      ya i played it too. Too many assassinations kept happening.
    11. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      Well I just did testing an hour ago with a couple people, and at first they said the castle had a bit too many power weapons, but I did that because last time the attackers had a bit too many power weapons. Then 2 minutes in the blue team scores. It went very well. I am glad I changed the weapons the way I did.

      I even sent you an invite, but you never showed up.
    12. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      I thought it was a pretty good sig. You should come help test sometime. I never know when you're on. I'll probably try to test it again sometime tonight. Give me a shout if you're gonna be online. Here's the sig again. LOL.

    13. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      I changed my name because i use to have that one on xbox live and have gotten bored of it. Since this one was available I thought I might as well take it.
    14. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      I think I heard it from Albyhouse. It might be somebody else though. I forgot.
    15. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      Hey evan how is itgoing?

      I heard you were making a map for the 2 vs 2 competition. Is that true?
    16. TheMisterHat
      I'm a friend *****.
    17. xFr1ct10nx
      very small. hectic with 4v4, but works inbetween well and ok with 3v3. very good for doubles ans head to head
    18. xFr1ct10nx
      pretty good, lol it took you a while to answer. like 2 hours late. im finishing up a map. getting ready to take pics, probably tomorrow. ima post it over the weekend i think.
    19. xFr1ct10nx
      yo, wat up?
    20. TNF
      Oh KC. I should be heading over there for a soccer tournament this weekend though. It's nice to have a fellow Missourian here at FH :).
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    U.S. of A.
    Professional School Skipper
    drumming, hockey, video games.

