Blue Pariot
Last Activity:
Nov 7, 2010 at 1:54 AM
Jun 22, 2008
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Central Valley - California
Sit at home and play video games

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Blue Pariot

Ancient, from Central Valley - California

Senior Member
Blue Pariot was last seen:
Nov 7, 2010
    1. d4rkdemon
      hey dont take it the wrong way ok i appriciate what you did say ok
      and if you ae still pissed off, sorry ok
    2. Catmon
    3. Catmon
      I love you too...
    4. Catmon
      Aww, you know I really do feel bad about things like that...
    5. Mjag13
      wtf does spam mean, i am serious!
    6. Hazza
      No problem, I was scanning over and he was really bugging me, probably the map maker too
    7. just defy
      just defy
      lol if ur gonna say that ur so much more mature and on a different level at least act the part because u say u r but your actions are telling a different story and theres times i contribute to forgehub and times i dont but it all contributes to my personality... so maybe i do spam but the things you say really say that ur just another asshole out there having a bad day and cuz thats most likely the case im going easy on you .. plz take the hint and stop bothering me
    8. just defy
      just defy
      go back to the orginal thread and finish what you started before posting annoying comments that are of no purpose to anbody on my page thx.
    9. Catmon
      Why thank you!
    10. Catmon
      I see you've seen Hot Spots. Thanks for the complement message, lol.
    11. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      ooooo yeaaaa
      yes i have people say that i "spam" haha
    12. Nick Novikov
    13. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      sorry apparently the site admin took it down for repairs.. im bored!! two of my sites i visit regularly are offline!
    14. EonsAgo
      Ur so hawt.
    15. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      i cant really write something up to explain it right now but the site is LGNation
    16. Playerhata27
      Well make sure the camera has AV inputs. Also, if you need help try googling it, for I never done it but many of my friends who make machinima do.
    17. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      Yo if you send it to me, I'll read it tomorrow. I'm pretty tired so Ima head to sleep. I'll let you know tomorrow if I get it. If you need my e-mail, I gave it to you in a PM
    18. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      Yea I got it go ahead and send it to me.
    19. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      hmm maybe - I'm currently working on something, but I might be able to help. What did you have in mind?
    20. Bottlecap
      Hey I would just like you to know you are misinformed. Sorry, but you had no idea what you were talking about when you said "we ban people for bla bla bla". The kid posted a pornographic photo at first.
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  • About

    Central Valley - California
    Sit at home and play video games
    Blue Pariot
    I really dont feel like typing a long bio about me. :)

    playing halo, playing soccer, running track and cross-country, playing airsoft/paintball
