You haz promotion. Before we start recruiting members though we have to come up with some systems for posting and the like. Checklist for forum: Member Ranks thread (DONE) Forum Behavior Rules thread (detailing basic behavioral rules) Content Posting Rules thread (detailing how to post a piece of custom content) More? Positional Recruiting Checklist: 1 Coordinator (DONE) 2-3 Moderators (must be extremely trustworthy and dedicated to the group) 1+ Publicists 1+ Strategists Content Objectives: 3 Map related guides 3 Screenshot related guides 3 Gametype related guides Once those items are complete we open the group to the public.
If you want to help with the management side of things you can have an instant promotion to Coordinator. But if you just want to be a community member and nothing more I can't make you become a staffer and you'll have to work your way up like everyone else! XD
TCE will be the next big thing on Bnet. I'm going to need your help with the screenshot side of things though!
Yeah it's fine if you use them both! I took the one with the spider on the right to allow you room to add text for a banner if you so desire to.
OMG LOOK! You're free to use these if you wish, I figured the first would be a good banner picture. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Lol, sorry I didn't include your name, I didn't have any say in it, he capped, edited and uploaded it while I was sleeping, all I did was get the clips =)
It could be better. lul I think the coloring and font of the text doesn't go good with the background picture.
Thanks. i belive I pretty much started the riot of 8 emerald legs outbreak. Seorisly though that map is un friggin belivable.
lol ya but it wasnt hard to guess it was a spider. nie job anyhow, im ganna have to say thaat it's definetly ganna stay on my HD as long as interrobang has. aaaah i just love standing at the back of the br tower(regen spawn) and looking up at the spider... it makes it look SOOOO real and makes me feel like the camera man in cloverfield... almost like its about to take another step over me .....XD lol this is only the like 10,000th comment you've gotten like this huh? eh, it's well deserved...