Frag Man
Last Activity:
Sep 28, 2011 at 1:59 AM
Sep 1, 2008
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Frag Man


Senior Member
Frag Man was last seen:
Sep 28, 2011
    1. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      That's because there isn't... or well, that I show. :P
      Well you do realize that I'm not a staff member; Right?. I'm just a normal member who has proved loyal to the site.
      Why, thank you Frag Man...
    4. Toxic Spade
    5. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Quote of the Day:

      If everyone had their way, there would only be one person in existence.
    6. EGP
      hey, i think you are really good at grading the sigs i made, I made a new one, which you might have seen. Its in the universal cnc thread you can rate it there or just leave a visitors message on my profile.

      For some reason i like it when you grade mine because you can be harsh lol
      the sig i want you to look at is my current one
      Quite good... And, If you don't mind me asking how did you get banned?
    8. Mace
      how is that physicaly possible?
    9. Mace
      Quote of the (well, this just works forever.)
      SEX YUMMY!
      so whyd you get banned
    10. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Quote of the Day:

      "If we succeed in failing, which have you truly done?" ~anonymous
    11. Mace
      yousa backsa! banned be bombad
    12. Debo37
      Fraglizzle my nizzle for shizzle! You shouldizzle totallizzle checkizzle the aestheticizzle mapizzles sectionizzle for the rizzle to see felipizzle's gigantizzle spiderizzle. Eight Emerald Legs is the epicizzle namizzle.
    13. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Quote of the Day:

      Staff are corrupt. The off-topic is gone. The PPC is dead. ForgeHub should just die. I don't even know why I'm here. Sarge is selective. Dom sides with those who have more power. TSB picks on members he doesn't like. TDF spams. Nitrous spams. Insane doesn't know what's spam. The only staff I don't see corrupt are the retired staff that are banned. Oh wait, he's corrupt too. Well I guess there is no such thing as a non-corrupt staff member.
    14. Norlinsky
      Norlinsky That's terrible.
    15. Norlinsky
      The eff? Warned again?
    16. Playerhata27
      Wow man. I don't believe you. I stuck up for you, thinking you had it in you to stop, but I was wrong. Not much of an insult this is, but rather cold.
    17. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Quote of the Day:

      A smile gives us too much information about what the person is feeling.
    18. KB
      Dude, you are my friend but please stop doing what your doing in the PPC. Its unnecessary and it ruins fun on this website for me and many other members.
    19. Waylander
      Well you certainly didn't go about it the right way. No matter what tone I put into your words (I try heaps until I get one that seems closest, not perfect I do get it wrong sometimes but it's the best I got lol) they all sounded the same. And assuming you're better than me is insulting me mate.

      Now, given what you've said I did over react back then and I apologize.
    20. Waylander
      All over the place mate lol. I do enough site searching to help people out without adding this to it. Hell I just searched to find a fileshare link for a guy who didn't put it in his map post. But if you remember our argument about intelligence. The entire time you kept trying to come off as better smarter than me and most everyone else in the thread. Hardley not insulting people mate.
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