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Jan 8, 2009 at 4:50 PM
Nov 9, 2008
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Jan 24, 1996 (Age: 29)
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Ancient, from Florida

Senior Member
SPARTANZ77 was last seen:
Jan 8, 2009
    1. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      what "punishment " does that resolve to?
    2. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      i never new that you couldnt "revive" threads
    3. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      what does necropost mean?
    4. Nitrous
      Me. Why?
    5. ForgeGod117
      It is not out quite yet. It is just a mysterious preview designed to get people all hyped about it. Remember castleanche. He made everybody know that he was making it. As a result he got over 110 replies and a probable feature. thanks though.
    6. ForgeGod117
      Crevice: They are coming!!!
      Thought you might be interested in this!
      CREVICE 09
    7. Null Parameter
      Null Parameter
      When we Affiliated, the admin at MB had said that we could do some activities to bring our sites together. So, shortly after the affiliation started, we proposed a Gameday to bring people together, but he said that we couldn't even talk about it on MB.

      That fact got Thomas and Shellshock (Our Event Coordinator) a little upset, because of Adelyss' prior statement about being able to have combined activities. One thing led to another between the three, everybody over-reacted, and things were broken off. Adelyss took it a step too far, personally, when he then bashed us on the front page of MB, saying it was entirely our fault, yada yada yada; and then he IP Banned most of the people from Forgery.

      Luckily, I was able to straighten things out a bit, and get everyone to realize that it was dual blame and not just us. Everyone apologized. And that's about where it was left.

      (Continued Below)
    8. Null Parameter
      Null Parameter

      Some people on both sites showed a bit of want to try the affiliation again, but Adelyss was leaving for some unknown reason, last I heard. So, I never knew who to attempt to pick it back up with.
    9. Null Parameter
      Null Parameter
      Really? I heard that they really suck. ;)
      But maybe I'll check it out. :P
    10. Linubidix
    11. Thorax tehGREAT
      Thorax tehGREAT
      Why you get on no september.
    12. Thorax tehGREAT
      Thorax tehGREAT
      Then who is that. Only reason I thought it was you was the 55.
    13. Thorax tehGREAT
      Thorax tehGREAT
      Is your Gt:imwithstupid55 or something like that.
    14. Dragoncoals
    15. Dragoncoals
      It's nothing new.
    16. Shatakai
      You are a relatively new member here, and so I would like to ask you to please stop using the lime green text. I'm not calling you a noob. I'm just saying that a fair amount of people on the forums use the bright oldschool theme (including myself) and it is very hard to read your posts in their current color. I would suggest choosing a different color or no color at all. You will not be remembered for your color, but for the quality of your posts.
    17. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Thank you, same to you [IMG]
    18. Nemihara
      Oh wait, you were "spartan?" right? Yeah, I couldn't put you in because of your name thing. Sorry.
    19. Nemihara
      There is. Didn't you get the memo?
    20. Pigglez
      I'm sorry I forgot to update the front page. It is closed for the holiday's, as I won't be here as much and so cannot complete the requests. It's funny because I was actually about to go do that. Sorry for the inconvience :/ You can always go to another sig shop, or wait until after the holidays.
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    Jan 24, 1996 (Age: 29)
    Home Page:
    forum moderator (other forum)
    Love halo and free fps's

    halo 3

