Last Activity:
Jan 5, 2013 at 10:12 PM
Jan 26, 2008
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Jan 1, 1900 (Age: 125)

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Senior Member
Alec944 was last seen:
Jan 5, 2013
    1. Chron
      hi sorry for bothering you but will there ever be another screenshot spotlight on If so have you decided who will be next?
    2. Big and Firm
    3. Big and Firm
      Big and Firm
      hay dude I'm the guy that made Skate All Day 2...and I was just wanering if you wanted to chill on Xbox live with me?
    4. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      yeah i just saw. im kinda disapointed
    5. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      Can 'anyone' submit stuff to B5D for consideration?
    6. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      Hey, you said on your post that you submmitted your screenshot somewhere to possibly get it featured on Bungie Favs I am correct?
    7. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      Hi Alec! i just wanted to tell you how appreciative you are of sharing photography tips with the world. If you ever need a fellow mark V fan, just look me up. GT=Black Theorem

      Also i know xkevlar, from the Recon helmet map, jus sayin! ;)
    8. Sheogorath
      happy birthday
    9. T4K Shadow
      T4K Shadow
      yeh, i like taking screenshots and makin maps, maybe we could take some screenshots together, anyway its your choice <><> My Gamertag: T4K Shadow
    10. DeKnoZx
      yo alec your little description thing says you wanna take some screenshots. I am all for screenshots i actually go in with friends almost once a day and screw around to get pictures. If you wanna see some of my stuff send me a FR at xZonKeD. Also i am also on FH Favorites for a screenshot, eruption and a map Ivory Snake, iTs NeXn, and i created called Xyience...
    11. GONZO212
      Haha nice. So you wanna get together and take some shots.
      Maybe make a map?
    12. GONZO212
      How did you get Recon?

      I am just wondering you don't have to tell me...
      I think it looks awesome... But I think I like it just because I don't have it :P

      Yeah... So whats up?
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    Jan 1, 1900 (Age: 125)