Sandbox The Fireworks Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by LivesOn, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
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    The Fireworks Map Pack

    -By LivesOn​

    I am kind of surprised that no one has done this before (or at least on this forum that I know of). I usually see tons of maps with decorations and it came into my head that I should make something unique. I then thought of fireworks. So I got to work...

    This map pack consists of only two maps, nevertheless I have put much work into both maps (as simple as they may be) tweaking it constantly until I thought it was worthy enough to be posted. I decided to do the maps on Foundry and Sandbox as they were large and would have more than enough space.


    An overview of the observation area (where you look at the fireworks). I added a second floor if you wanted to get a better look.

    Another overview of the observation area.

    If you want to trigger the fireworks destroy the gravity lift.

    These are the fusion coils (neatly organized) before the explosion.

    These are the fusion coils after the explosion. Don't get too close!

    Fusion coils exploding in the same way every time is boring. Mancannons spawn at different periods of time causing the fusion coils to constantly explode differently.

    If you want to go back to the observation area if you have gone outside, go through the doors.

    Download Celebration​

    4th of July

    The second map that I used was Sandbox which had hundreds of possibilities. Since the first map had it's fireworks on the ground, I decided to make this one more realistic.

    Realistic enough for you?

    Using the same tactic as Foundry the fireworks are constantly changing and is much more noticeable. I tried to make it as close to real life as possible and you will be seeing fireworks all over the sky!

    If you want a better view of the fireworks, I made a little something extra:

    This is the observation tower. You can get a much better view of the fireworks from here.

    Entrance to the observation tower, located right next to the spawn.

    Me observing the fireworks that took over two hours to make (I have no idea why it took so long).

    I based this map off of an extremely nice canvas made by MetaWaddleDee. Thanks a bunch!

    Download 4th of July​

    I hope you enjoy the maps. All constructive criticism and feedback is appreciated, please comment and rate!
    #1 LivesOn, Aug 12, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2009
  2. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    This seems like a great idea. I will have to DL and check this out. Does it make the game lag when the explosions are all going off? Do you have any filters on Sandbox to simulate night time? Again, seems like a cool idea. Qued.
  3. An UrgeTo Dance

    An UrgeTo Dance Ancient
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    This is a great idea, and it would be awesome for map decoration the only thing that would be bad is if the fusion coils created lag while playing. Also it would be cool if you put plasma batteries and power cores so you could have different color fireworks.
  4. jaybo1996

    jaybo1996 Ancient
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    good idea. But people don't always know to shoot grav-lifts, I would have liked to see an RB trigger, but what ever. :)
  5. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    1.) I think this is more of an aesthetic map.
    2.) Can't see a reason to waste a download to see a bunch of fusion coils explode. I mean it's cool that you made them triggered, but I'd rather have a playable map.
  6. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    for the snadbox version you could set it so that sword or something else shiny gets shot outta the crypt hold to act like the actual thing that shoots into the sky =P
  7. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
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    No, the game does not lag. It will only lag if there are tons of other things on the map, which there are not. Although it is best to watch the fireworks when you are in single player as sometimes they do not explode if you are watching with other people. And I was thinking of maybe adding a filter on Sandbox. I am probably going to add one sooner or later.

    That is an awesome idea but I already used all the mancannons so what else could I use?
    #7 LivesOn, Aug 12, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  8. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    Cool. I know that Juicy & Gloomy or Juicy & Color Blind give a nice night effect. I will see the map as soon as I turn on my xbox later.
  9. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    I must tell you that this is really not that impressive. Now what WOULD be impressive is if you made full entire levels with fireworks in the background(Sandbox), or in the center as a posable threat!(Foundry)
    If these aren't really playable, I don't see the point in a map to see fusion coils blow up. It's not even really a mess around map, because even my good humor friends would get bored of this after about 20 seconds and start assassinating/spawn killing.
  10. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
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    They are fun to watch. If you want to make a map around them I can provide you with a good canvas (fireworks only). Obviously you did not download the map and actually watch them or even read what the thread said.

    I have added a gloomy effect to the map and will be updating the picture and download link later on. And Nova+Juicy is a very good effect for not only the night sky but the fireworks themselves. The only reason that I did not add Nova is because it blurred almost everything else.
    #10 LivesOn, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  11. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    Are they randomly placed or do they make a pattern when they explode?

    And we should care... Why?
  12. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I have really never seen anything like this on ForgeHub before! although we have all made them in our spare time (the fusion coils with the RM set to max), but the thing that would make this map even better is if you made a cabin, or a typical July 4th scene, to watch the fireworks explode. 4/5

    (Thanks for the mention)
  13. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    This was never meant to be an actual playable map(as i am lead to believe), its just something cool to watch. Try it first and then comment.
  14. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Version 1.1 of 4th of July added! Screenshots and download link have been updated.

    Changes Include:
    • "Juicy" effect added

    Possible Things to Come:
    • Making the map more suited to slayer, assault, etc.
    • Structures on the ground level of SandBox
    • Mancannon spawn times changed for a better experience
    #14 LivesOn, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  15. ash.giger

    ash.giger Ancient
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    I just dled both. These look great! For the next version, maybe you could have multiple triggers that spawn at different intervals so someone can add more variety. Still the fireworks look great. Nice work.
  16. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
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    Sounds like a great idea but I think that that would require too much work just to get fireworks to start. You should just hit one switch, sit back, and watch.
  17. skutch

    skutch Ancient
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    I thought these were both very creative. I really like the Sandbox one with the two viewing places. Cool stuff.
  18. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks. Look forward to more items added in the Sandbox map. As for Foundry, there aren't that many possibilities. Still appreciate feedback!

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