Here's a simple pic I took last night while trying to find a picture of a brute Stalker. I t'wat I'd share it with you guys Eh? Eh? Okay, maybe not that good...
looks pretty cool, with the Spiker and helmet showing, the rest in camo. Good job but if you're trying to get a documental picture of the Stalker (no pun intended), Take one with him aiming his Spiker forward at you, or doing a melee swing.
Ha, documented picture of the Stalker, that was funny. Anyways, I can't remember, but I think he was meleeing(?) at the moment.
i like it its really cool looking and i like how the brute looks also the helmet kinda looks like the cyclops helmet from gears
Pretty cool, yet simple picture. I like how his helmet kinda looks like a bird.. well to me it does. Lol