and there are some forgable vehicles such as banshee, hornet..(pelican..lulz) than there could be so EPIC air battles.
Lol actually the thought came from me seeing your thread. I didn't notice the tiny lockout in the background of bungie when I was there today until I saw your thread and then I thought "Man..lots of banshees and Hornets could pull for some epic star wars space fighting. Especially if you float some big structures up there to be large gun ships, and throw down some turrets and other stuff.
Not to be pessimistic, but I think the only vehicles allowed on the map will be the mongoose and ghost. Just a guess.
Considering the size of blackout, I'd doubt you'd find enough space to place all of the flying vehicles. Maybe you could fit a hornet in the middle and possibly something on BR tower but not much else... I guess you could always build your own personal floating helipads...
Well think about say, guardian. What'd we get there? Mongeese (Goosen? Mongeeses?) This map is about the same size, so I don't see why they'd give us anything else, except of course the ghost in that picture...
Yeah, I only noticed the background was like that because I was at school and just checking if there were any updates. Now, my school internet being a piece of crap, that site took ages to load. The background popped up first while the rest was loading and I was like 'Oh, cool '.
It would be interesting if you could place objects in the frozen water with out them disappearing, and kind of make a map flowing through the water, almost like a boat. But, the chances of that happening is 0. Even if it were, the amount of Teh L33t3S7 Deadliest Catch mapp evorz! would be unbearable.
Whispers link to his topic shows the SS of the background of It shows how tiny the blackout platform is with a whole bunch of space all around it. If it were possible to forge in air in that space, than it would make for an epic air battle. This is what I was referring to..sorry if I confused a bit lol.
I guarantee you that there is not all that free space. Its going to be a barrier. Just watch. April 15
There isn't free space. If you watch the vid doc, at the end on Blackout, when the last guy goes off the mancannon, he hits an invisible wall that is pretty close to the edge of the buildings.
I orignally thought that this would be imposible becasue there is no way they would air vehicles on that type of map but two thing caught my eye. 1) Bungie has been very fond of showing that picture so mabey they were trying to show off some space. 2) When the map description came out they alluded alot how generally vehicles would be pointless but theyd still add some good ones. (hopefully more the mongoose and ghost)
no hornets or banshees will be included on the map or on the forge system for this map. so, sorry to burst yout epic battles
Firstly, its only one side. Secondly, I watched it and it doesn't look like he hits a wall. Also, in the Forge window there were 24 double boxes (open), and 12 closed. Surely there must be some space somewhere?
Yeah I saw that's a little hard to tell..maybe his mancannon power ran out. It seems weird for bungie to not provide some airspace over death standoff has a decent amount and very limited items.
My guess is that it will be surrounded by one massive, kill-joy death barrier that is miles and miles thick. If Bungie learned their lesson, that is... --dc