I want it too lol, no ms points, I want to lisence transfer with som1 to get it But noone has it and noone is willing too if they do
I've got it and I'm loving the level editor and the simplicity of it all. There are a lot of places where I have lost the will to live because of how difficult it is on the extreme tracks and tounaments. I was disappointed with the fact that you can't download other people's tracks that they have made unless they are on your friend's list and the lack of multiplayer; it would have been nice to see another player as a ghost to play against online. The skill games are also very fun my favourite being In Flames where you have to set your self on fire and go as far as you can without exploding. Overall I think it is a very good game but a little bit over priced. Looking forward to DLC!
Yeh, this game is really fun... I would recommend it even if it does cost a little too much, the demo doesn't feel like that much but the full game is so much more.