Best Boss Battle?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Juggernaut, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I just wanted some opinions on what boss battle was crazy awesome. This could include difficulty of it, the cool stuff that happened during it, and other such things. Personally I have a few favorite boss battles. One being from Condemned, the ending. Another being the Gears of War ending too and lastly, Ninja Gaiden Black. The mid boss battle with the greater fiend: Alma. That boss battle was a large problem on my account.
    #1 Juggernaut, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  2. EternalEnemy32

    EternalEnemy32 Ancient
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    Hmmm, best boss battle huh?

    Conker's Bad Fur Day - The Poop Monster, LOL!
    Mass Effect - Saren Final Battle
    SW:KOTOR - Malak
    Shadow of The Collosus - Final Collosi or Bird Collosi
  3. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    ..... When you said Conker's Bad Fur Day, I automatically remembered the song that he was singing. Jeeze... I was really hoping to forget that song... I also did like all of the Colossus battles too. The one that I hated the most was the underwater one. That may be because I am deathly afraid of the ocean and deep sea.
  4. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    saren's final battle was the easiest thing in the world, first i made him kill himself, and then i shot him to death again with a shotgun.

    i'd have to say, ocarina of time the gannondorf and gannon battle. it was really epic when i kept throwing nuts at him and he got stunned lol.
  5. EternalEnemy32

    EternalEnemy32 Ancient
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    Whats wrong with the poop song! lol

    The reason I chose Saren is not because of difficulty, it is because of the the emotional impact of how you kill him. You think your helping him and then he commits suicide, that made me sad......
    #5 EternalEnemy32, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  6. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    Spoiler much?

    Anyways, I'd have to pick... Well, this is tough. I guess I'm tied between Facade and the final boss, both from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Facade is my favorite boss in any game when it comes to a fight, but the final boss was just plain fun (plus, I knew a way to one-hit kill him).
  7. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    im going to say killing the oracle............
    *awkward silence

    umm i meant to say Legend of Zelda old school but fun
  8. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Just about any of the boss battles in Shadow of Colossus

    3rd fight with Bowser in Mario 64 (fun to just chuck him at bomb lol).

    The final boss battle in Golden Sun when the two badguys turn into a two-headed dragon thing (i dont' remember the details). It was so hard and so long but so epic and sweet once you finally defeat the boss.

    Battle against Ganon/Gannondorf in Twilight Princess. It was fairly easy but the different stages of it made it epic and fun.
  9. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I watched my friend do that boss battle and although it was easy, I also liked the different stages too. Although he was still disappointed because it was so easy.

    Oh and every battle in Shadow of the Colossus was supposed to be memorable and from what I remember time consuming. The last two are pretty hard on hard difficulty.
    #9 Juggernaut, Jul 12, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2008
  10. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    Pysco mantis from metal gear, I still have nightmares about that one.
  11. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    I remember that. Fun fight, that one was. The whole series is just pure genius, and all the neat stuff they did was awesome.
  12. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    The battle against Rokkaku Gouji at the end of Jet Set Radio Future.
  13. crazygamer4ever

    crazygamer4ever Ancient
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    i wont consider this a boss battle but the behemoths in fallout 3
    #13 crazygamer4ever, Aug 17, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2009
  14. Zerosun

    Zerosun Ancient
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    lol was that the one where they made u think ur TV turned off in the middle of the fight?
  15. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    i remember urgently swiching from controller slot 1 to 2
    and sniper wolf straight after arrghhh

    but my fav boss has to be either liquid snake (same metal gear)
    or Aeres from God Of War ( the second stage when you have to kill your self so many times arrrgghhh)
    both on hardest dificulty
  16. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    thats a tough one,but ill have to say ganon at the end of LoZ:WW Its just so fun to have a 1v1 sword fight with a worthy opponent. I just wish something that fun was in every game I play.
    #16 halo kid, Aug 17, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2009
  17. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    My favorite Boss has to be Solus from Breakdown. The fight lasts about 15 minutes but the problem is it is a first person fighting game and you can't regenerate health and the game is broken. So you have to be this guy in 15 minutes with a broken combat system and you can only be hit by about 5 of combos.

    The funniest boss battle I have ever participated in was the Final Battle in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon with you have to beat Blaze. My brother and I tried for hours to beat him, so one day I chose my favorite character, the blind guy, and half-heartedly fought him not expecting to win. I was trying very hard but 5 min into the fight I hard taken him down to half and had sustainded nearlty nothing. So I backed him into a corner and beat the **** out of him and beat the game.
  18. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    All of the bosses from the two Pikmins have my vote. I just loved that game so much. It was the only game that I actually played more than one year each on when I was really little. Best game ever. Better than Halo. K, maybe tied with Halo. But never will pikmin be lost in my heart. I'll save my gamecube and the pikmin games so when I have children I can show them that game. And they will love it. Unless of course, ya know, Nintendo makes some new ones. That works too.
  19. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    my top 4 boss battles

    God of War II Dark Cerberus
    Gears of War 1 Beserker (First one)
    Jak and Dexter 1 Last battle (can't remember the name of the guy)
    Super smash Bros Melee "The Hand"
    #19 Orbiter891, Aug 18, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2009
  20. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    Huggy Bear, depending on the amount of minor bosses you have defeated.

    even the minor bosses like the bulldozer and RC car are awesome.

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