Yes I saw one of the glitches in Forging 101 And it is not working it is the one where you can push objects into the maps Geomatry and everytime I try doing this the double box that is supposed to push the other double box simply wiggles around and then gets shot out and the original double box is still 3 walls from the ground. Please help this makes no sense. I am doing it in Foundry. It is Budget Glitched So this probably doesn't matter but in case it does. I folow the directions exactly as they are told I am going to try it on a different non glitched map but should it really even matter?
the money glitch does not matter, but instead of using the forging 101 way try this. place the double box put walls around the double box place 2 upside down doors on the double box grab and let go of the double box let it settle delete the walls and doors congratulations you have just interlocked a double box into the floor grab a beer (if you're under 21, grab a soda) show your noob friends the "amazing double box in the ground!" laugh
Yea but I mean something a bit more "Controlled" I mean sometimes the box just gets sucked into the ground and you cant even get it back. First time it happened I laughed second not so funny third started to piss me off. Any other ways to do this?