Anyone hear play Starfox 64? The Star Wolf fight on Venom right before you fought Andross, and that fight too, were both demoralizing.
i don't play ninja gaiden but if that's the newest one, i heard that the american normal difficultly is supposedly the japanese hard difficulty because there was a screw-up in the american shipment. hardest boss ever for me was the final boss in Golden Sun for the GBA. Tried and tried and failed and failed. I actually beat it one morning at a McDonald's when I was like 13 lol.
The hardest boss battle, hands down was Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts II. Although I just could never get into the Metroid series. I hate those games. I don't even try to play Final Fantasy or Ninja Gaiden.
Did youe ever fight the Sephy in KH 1? It must have taken me twenty tries with a level 77 Sora with lionheart to kill that son of a *****.
I never beat the final boss in Ratchet and Clank, the first one. I can't even remember his name, but he was chairman of something and had this flying saucer thing with guns and **** lol.
Its Chairman Drek, he was a bit hard, but the hardest boss in R&C is Dr Nefarious. Duuuuude, it lasts for like an hour. If you Havn't got the RYNO then you are dooooomed! And I agree Jelleh, that first one is hard, I used cheats (on ps2) to skip to the end lol
Finally someone else who's played IWBTG! Oh man that game was hell to get through. For some reason the bosses that stand out in IWBTG are Mike Tyson, dragon from megaman, and the metroid boss.
Liquid snake in MGS1 on PS1 on very hard ofcourse he has 3 stages computer (controling metal gear) Liquid (controling metal gear) and CQC (with liquid) i just about managed to get through the 1st 2 stages and then had to work out a very tirsome routine of punch, punch, fall off. punch punch, kick, fall off. when you fall off you grab on the ledge and if you wait to long you falll completly off
I tried to beat the last boss on castle crashers on the hardest difficulty with a lvl 50 hard as **** he has like 4 stages and a shield which counters melee attacks
Since I haven't played most of these games, I'd have to say: The Scarab level on Legendary- Halo Wars GOD DAMN if you don't use the garrison cheat on this level, you are so *useless string of cussing and bad comments on how much you're going to hate this level* going to die. Heck, if you don't use the glitch (AKA Garrison Cheat) it's hard even on Easy. Gosh. D-Ragan at level 19- Phantasy Star If you're not a Beast at level 20 on this game, this boss battle CAN be incredibly easy- you just need high evasion to get away. Attack his head and evade his charge (one hit kills at level 10-). This goes for every boss, except they have different weak spots. Learn them and use them.
i remember when he transformed into super hge monster thingy in Battle Network 4. HARDEST. FREAKING. THING. EVER. I spent a few days trying to complete it, on the hardest difficulty if there was any, I played a long time ago.
while its not a hard boss battle, its very annoying SILVER ON SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 06 he stops you by using his telekanesise, shoots you up in the air which leaves you with no rings, he then does it again, and you die
Oh, yiazmat on final fantasy xii was a pain in the ass until I got my gambits set up good, then I just sat and watched myself kill it... basch was having 22-35 hit combos it was amazing, then penelo was hitting for like a health bar of its a hit but it still took like an hour to beat. Or a boss I actually had to do something to beat, the necromancer on castle crashers kept kickin my ass over and over so I just swiyched from blue knight to orange knight, and did the magic jump over and over, plus the bipolar bear helped lot.