Sentinel This abandoned forerunner sensor relay has survived for centuries. How long can you survive? Download here Description: Welcome to Sentinel, a small, symmetrical CQB map set in the skybubble. This map is intended for 2v2 games but works for up to 8 players. Sentinel is compatible with all gametypes but I recommend slayer and Multiflag. I'll let the pics do most of the talking. Weapons on map: 6 carbines 4 battle rifles 2 sniper rifles 1 gravity hammer 2 SMGs 2 plasma rifles 2 spikers 2 assault rifles 8 plasma grenades 4 frag grenades 2 firebomb grenades 1 bubble shield 1 regenerator And now for some pictures blue side overview red side overview View of the middle structure/main sensor/ hammer spawn Blue base (red base is identical, just red) That's all folks. Enjoy! The Specter
The map looks very good, from what I can see. The map almost reminds me of Lockout, in a weird way. The forging looks clean and neat too. Do the sensors do anything, or do they just sit there? Oh well. 4.7/5 EDIT: Reading the weapon list, It seems you have far too many power weapons for such a small map. Also, putting firebombs on a map is a bad idea (because they create lots of lag, and it eliminates ANY chance of your map being accepted into matchmaking.
...i agree... on the firebombs thing, but ive never felt any lag when throwing a firebomb! must be a "walmart connection" you have!lol (mods, dont say im spaming!) my computer RANDOMLY sent me back the the competitive maps page! ok, i wish i could repeat all the things i was originally writing, but im too lazy! i only noticed one bug... the wood-thin in the last pic looks like you cant walk over it without jumping! correct me if im wrong though. Overall, i like this map alot! looks great! i cant wait to test it! better than some of the maps on matchmaking right now anyways!lol
Thanks! I'm not sure if I follow you on the wood-thin thing. Are you refering to falling off it? EDIT: Oh, I see what you're saying. Yes, you can walk over it without having to jump. It causes a little bit of a hitch but nothing that effects gameplay. I'll remember to interlock it into the block in a future version.