Sandbox Halo Wars CvA

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Palidin, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. Palidin

    Palidin Ancient
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    #1 Palidin, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2010
  2. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Wow. The concept of this one is amazing, applying Halo Wars gameplay and converting it into a FPS team gameplay, with alot of the similar effects that would be in a standard Halo Wars match. So I'll give your concept a 10/10. As for the design, I'd have to give it a 5/10, because you did a horrible job at copying the base structure for the UNSC and Covenant. And I'd have to give the crafting a 6/10 because from the looks of it you tried VERY hard to be lazy and not have to put forth an effort. But congratulations, because you just inspired me to make a Halo Wars map of my own.. Overall I'll give this a 6.5/10 because the idea of it is very original, you didn't have the experience or talent to back it up.
  3. Palidin

    Palidin Ancient
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    I hope you do very well on your version.
    I looked at some pictures of the bases and it looked insane too much for me to do, so I just made my own base designs that represent them slightly.. it'd be cool if someone does the bases pretty good. I spent alot of time on this, and tried to use every bit of money possible to do more.. but i'm sorry that i'm not a great forger. Thanks for your comment =].
  4. An UrgeTo Dance

    An UrgeTo Dance Ancient
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    The concept of this map is amazing, I been thinking about doing something like this but never felt like doing it though. I have one question how people is the gametype made for?
  5. Palidin

    Palidin Ancient
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    The gametype and map can hold a max party of 16, I would suggest at the least 3vs3 for it to be fair and fun and its funner with the more people as long as theres not much lag or disconnections and stuff like that.
  6. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    I thingk the human base could be designed better, but the covonet is good, and there needs to be something inbetween the bases its boring there.. the spirate of rire idea is cool. good job
  7. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    There's a better Halo Wars type game. One person is the commander and must use their 'money' (Sniper Rifle shots) to 'buy' (Destroy Pallets) items, like Vehicles, Spawns, Weapons.

    I like how you tried to make leader powers, but it seems unbalanced. Won't the Power Drainer be destroyed by the fall? And what's stopping the person with the Missile Pod going through the teleporters and destroy the vehicles on foot? What if someone grabs the Sniper and goes up onto the 'Spirit of Fire' platform? He would be practically invincible!

    I commend you for attempting this (I would not [also, I don't have Halo Wars and don't plan on getting it]), but you don't have my download.
  8. Palidin

    Palidin Ancient
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    Thanks for that, you have some great points.
    Its not infinite ammo so the sniper couldn't do much up there, and the point is capturing bases. It shouldn't mean much if they bring the missile pod down, its not very many shots at all and doesn't bother me much. The power drainers are the only things I havn't tried out yet honestly, i'll have to see about them but I think they'd work (they aren't on the CvA one). That other dude who made the sniper choice thingy is really smart, i'm sure his is much better than mine but thanks for checking it out and giving me ideas anyways =].

    Covenant also have a sniper, the beam rifle, they could snipe the guy up there as well.

    I am positive that the power drainers would work.
    The regenerators work, they make it from the fall undestroyed.
    Even if they explode when they hit the bottom, thats a good thing I think, it acts as a bomb.. though not too much like cryo bomb its cool. When and if I get around to the Anders Vs Prophet one and doing more with it, i'll test around with this =].
    #8 Palidin, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  9. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    The SoF platform is UNSC use only, so all the sniper has to do is move back and crouch and nothing the Covenant do can kill him, except a headshot. Headshot from below is extremely hard.

    And by the Missile Pod, the distance from the platform to the ground is different than from on soldier to the other. From the SoF you can avoid, to some degree, the missiles, but from the ground it can be devastating against vehicles.

    If the Power Drainer explodes on contact, it's practically useless. It won't take down shields and might not even stop a vehicle.
  10. Palidin

    Palidin Ancient
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    It really has alota room for error, like if the leaders dominate the humans at their base they can rush in and use the spirit of fire.. but thats all fine, i'm not skilled enough to make it cheat-proof and its more of a very basic FPS game than a hardcore halo wars remake. Me and my brother though are working on a hardcore halowars remake, not hardcore on the bases but on allowing ways of choosing the vehicles/equipment/weapons and much better mac blast/carpet bomb(fusion coils placed differently and drop from the air for mac and carpet)/cryo bomb(will figure something out).
  11. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    And another this I was gonna point out, can the Covenant just go into the teleporter to the SoF platform?
  12. Palidin

    Palidin Ancient
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    Yes the covenant could get into the spirit of fire if they get that far alive. Mostlikely they'll be killed before going all the way through the base and up the stairs if theres at the least one or two humans in their own base, which is likely. If any covenant get into the spirit of fire, its probably going to be a leader like the arbiter. I know I didn't do a good job on making everything break-proof but if the focus is more on FPS and not on comformity to halo wars gameplay in this map, it should be fun. Anyone can do what they want with the map and repost, and do better or worse if its worth editting to anyone, just as long as please don't just do anything that would boot my post for 'stealing' because I did make this and posted it first, but even if that happens, it doesn't mean alot to me. I'm here to talk with people and spread the good news of Jesus Christ, not indulge in vanity fairs.
  13. ZhonLord

    ZhonLord Ancient
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    Very nice. The only thing I'd say is that Cutter's base doesn't upgrade much (aesthetically). In your screenshots and in-game the Arbiter's base visibly improves. Not so much for Cutter.

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