Please alert/move if this is in the wrong place. I don't go beyond the actual map forum area often. Hullo everyone! I know many of you want more than just screenshots of your maps to go in your threads, and I also know how Bungie minutes just aren't as plentiful as you'd like. Well, I'm here to help you with that! ^-^ I myself may not be the best forger, but I know my fair share of forging techniques and switches. But YOU on the other hand, may or may not be much better than me, which is why I'm here to RECORD videos of your maps FOR you, absolutely FREE!* As I'm not entirely sure how to go about this, so I'll just let you guys get down to asking for your maps. _____________________ Video Promo Coming soon There are only a few more things I'd like to cover: Benefits: There's not much to benefit from, but its still worthwhile. Obviously, with video footage of your map, people will be more likely to download and try it out, PLUS, since it's on YouTube, people who don't even visit ForgeHub will get a chance to see and download your map! Rules: Not much for rules either. The only rule as of now is that video length must not exceed 6 minutes. I will allow up to 8 minutes if I feel it warrants it. But NO longer. You can view your video or our previous works at: YouTube - andraszodon's Channel To request a video or if you have any questions, comment here or PM me. Spoiler YouTube - Halo 3 Map - Contour *This may change. The only possible change foreseen is: "5 free map videos, with every five afterward being paid for with 1600 Microsoft Points." Price still being considered. Reguardless of map videos you have already had made, your free maps made will start at zero if prices begin.
Great offer of help for the community anndras and I'm sure many people will take you up on that offer. I warn you that if this takes off, you may be overwhelmed with requests so I suggest you have some coniditions to filter out the 1 post members just looking for a free vid. Alternatively, you could enlist other volunteers to lighten the load for you. Will take a look at your youtube channel and check out your work.
Knarly is correct. 2 filter ideas- 1. Have a minimum post limit, or join date limit. 2. Look at the map, and if you think it's a GOOD map, then make the video. Because anyone can make a shitty map. And if they spent a lot of time on their map, maybe they deserve the video more than the other guy who threw one together in a day or two.
Hey thats really thoughtful. I could really use some film capturing because I cant render films and upload to youtube because I have terrible restrictions... If you could render a film to preview my newest map that would be great. I just need to get some playtesters first and get a gameplay video.
Alright, so how does this work? Do we have to record a video and then like send it to you over halo and you capture it and post it on youtube? Or do you record the video on halo and capture it yourself? Cause I'd love to have this done.
I have a few clips of gameplay can I send them to you? This is the V1 of the map, the new one is cleaned up and genuinely better. Contour It would be very helpful because these render minutes are killing me. I remember recently some guy offered to make videos for Microsoft points. This is great! Actually, Ill make a sig for you in return, because your old sig is noob right?
First map video done: Spoiler YouTube - Halo 3 Map - Contour Next comes Airborne, and MLG Futile Keep'em comin'!
Yes, finally! I always make a map, and my friends love it, and I spent alot of work on, just for it to get like 15 downloads. Please add me, and we can arrange something. I have a youtube channel as well, called RogueGlitcher, would it be possible for you to upload videos to this channel?
Hey I have a Conquest map that I have recently finished and it would be awesome to have a video for it when I post it in the Forge Maps forum. I'm planning on testing it this weekend because I can't play online during the week, and I'll get some clips from that and send them to you. Is that all right? Here's a Link of the Map Preview