I was testing out a new 2v2 Deathmatch rush tactic; spamming ODST drops behind enemy bases while my teammate builds up a fleet of Hawks. It was working pretty well, up to the point where my Xbox froze up and the RRoD started flashing...
While I only came across one guy who actually "team killed" I can recommend some fun things to mess around with if you get in this situation. The person who was being TKed naturally, of course, was cursing out his attacker, getting cleansed by the cleansing beam. So I painted his prophet with a mac, but didn't fire. He was like NO don't hurt me as a chased his guy around with it I had a blast- on his base that is. After he lost one of his buildings it was the other way around he was cussing at me! But not as much as when I parked an elephant onto his build pads and deployed it. he couldn't rebuild his base. You can do stuff like this with a cobra too but the best guy to TK with (if you want too) is the prophet. I love to milk my enemies too, have to admit. Let them hope for a victory then just keep a large army nearby so they can never win until they pull the plug. Great way to rank up.
ELEPHANT RUSH!!!!!!!1!!!11! yea bad idea i was playin a private match with my friends and i got 20 elephants and moved them to the center of the map and tried to lock them down all at the same time......it lagged us all out.....i had a really high score it was like 20 some thousand but i didnt get the titan achievement since i lagged out
27,774 Points! DeathToll and I had a 2v2 Halo Wars game destined to become an epic Norse saga... mabey not. I have picture proof of the results of the super cobra and support strategy. Spoiler
I have perfect'd my brute rush. At your base 2-3 minutes with 3 brute squads and 4 grunt squads. Gotten so much hate mail.
Halo Wars is a terrible game. The story is so horrible, that it alone kept me from buying it. Then I saw that the main tactic is rushing, which never is good. Terrible game with a terrible story, but Halo slapped onto the title, equals a money-maker for Microsoft.
... I need to beat 2 more levels on legendary, Arcadia city(rescuing the people), and the one where you use the rhino to destroy the shield. If anyone's willing to help me. with co-op, all the people on my friends list sucked .. I've given up trying to get it by myself even though I finished almost all of them solo on legendary save the scarab, and I want this achievement now that I'm so close.
yeah that would be fun as hell but itll never happen because just think about all teh variables they would have to overcome to make that possible .