not really. Feds Support $1.92 Million RIAA File Sharing Verdict | Threat Level | That just pisses me off.
I have no idea why File Sharing is Un-constitutional. If you have something, why not be able to share it with others?
Its horrible but true, the man with the money can make up the rules as he goes. In this case the RIAA say its unconstitutional, and have money, so it is. But I believe that it will pass with time as we move further into the era of digital distrubution of media broad spectrum (meaning that movies most likely will be download only in the future) I believe that then it will be more justified saying that people can't use filesharing, although I am not against filesharing, in fact I love it. Its just how the world works, its kinda like in the prohibition when alchohol became illegal but also the alchohol industry (because of the mob and other stuff) became bigger and people still drank, It could come that (like I said earlier) digital distrubution will become very popular and then most likely this whole shenanigan will be over.
People need money to live, musicians do it alot for money, the artist deserves money for making good songs
If the RIAA is "fighting" for you, then you aren't losing any money and don't need any more. I'm sure others will provide a better response then me but I have to go
The music industry is making more money than it has ever been before. Any of this 'they need money' stuff is bullshit. They already make more than enough.
My two cents on filesharing. First of all, as a fledging musician I think that downloading files is all well and good, as long as you buy the EP or Long Play if you like the music. Second, mp3s and Flac are horrible in sound quality. I reccomend you by Vinyl.
To the MAFIAA, it's more of intimidating people from file-sharing than actually trying to stop filesharers directly. But it just pisses off the rest of the folk.
A real musician makes music because it's something he or she enjoys doing. Not to make money. All the garbage mainstream **** are the only ones in it for the money.
I heard this story before.. I am almost positive that the person didn't end up having to pay that much in the end, but it was still quite a bit like 20,000. The judges ended up reasoning it out since the guy who did it would be in debt for life.
I just want to add:investors contribute to a portion of the money these companies make. Then, again, when profits slump, because the amount of people who are buying CD's are reduced. Then, the companies loose revenue which makes the company financials worse, which risks losing investors.
Its illegal because that music is copyrighted PROPERTY. You guys dont use common sense often it seems. Yeah its fun to download, yeah it seems harmless, but how many people REALLY buy music anymore? You know who that kills? Most of the bands you listen to. Sure Metallica and bands of that nature can manage fine, but Ive seen countless other bands scrapping while on the road. Ive seen almost just as many throw in the towel because they make nothing, and cannot support themselves doing it anymore, so the have to go get real jobs. The over excessive fine is merely to prove a point, and to scare others from doing it, because theres no real way to stop them. Use your heads and put yourself in someone else's position for once instead of just being a selfish person looking for everything free in life.