Hey guys, sorry I don't have a map but I didn't know where to post this. It's a request, I have a pretty good idea and i've spoken to alot of other people and they all agree, if something like what i'm about to ask for is possible, it'll be awesome. So, is it possible to glitch 8 banshee's on a map? If so, can someone please make a 4 v 4 Map on the Sky of Sandbox? I had a pretty good idea but I suck at forging, i started off with a base on one side (blue) and a base on the other side (red) walk up a ramp and have 4 banshee's there ready to go. In the middle, have buildings, tall ones and bridges and stuff to maneuver around, mid-air holes to go inbetween, you know? flying stuff! Air Combat!! Then as soon as you die, spawn and have your banshee spawn there with ya. would be pretty awesome, yeah? If this is possible, please, can someone make this? PS. Sorry if I put this in the wrong section, kinda new here. EDIT: If you can't put 8 banshee's, can someone just make the map anyways, for 2 v 2? pleeease
1) You can't make more objects than the limit (with the exception of cloning; however, it's not permanent and won't save into the forged map) 2) There ARE air battle maps. Just go to the MapDB and search for them.
I looked, there's nothing vs. It's pretty much all race maps with banshee's. Like I said, if it's not possible to make 8 banshee's, 4 is fine for a nice 2 v 2 don't you guys think this would be a good idea??
you could have hornets aswell couldnt you from my experience a hornet vs banshee is a pretty good fight youll never know who will win. you could have 2 banshee's to a team 2 transport hornet's and a normal hornet that is more then enough for a team and i had lots of fun with freinds in maps like that but i cant find those maps anymore
wait, cloning? is it a mod, or is it when you take one object, and the next spawns, then you take that one.
That would be a possibility, however, having a map for this would be the start. That idea doesn't sound bad at all though, really interested in that.
actually making a map sorta like this...not really, but hey =D It's asymmetric, attackers have shees and defenders have locked-in-place turreted vehicles (hogs and scorp) to use like AA guns.
couldn't you just put the number of banshees to however many there are, on the item options menu? Wouldn't that make them respawn as soon as they are taken from their original spot?
My map has 2 banshees, 1 hornet, and 1 transport hornet for each team. And A giant hill in the middle of the map to fly into and gain points. If you were'nt fortunete to get an air vehicle, you have ground support at ready, including: mounted guass warthog, and wraiths. You can also pick up a missle pod and spartan laser, but be careful with every shot, the air is busy, and one misfire may cause a death of a teammate. This map is 70% done.
I made a dogfighting map recently. It has 4 banshees, 2 transport hornets, and 2 combat hornets. It's in my file share.
What's wrong with 2v2 Banshee fighting? It would be closer to real air combat, because you can have a leader and a wingman, just like some standard formations that the US Air Force uses.
Nice, but can you walk from one side of the map to the other on foot? If so, it's not an Air Combat, just air vehicles on a ground map. Nothing's wrong with a 2v2 Banshee fight, however, i would prefer a 4v4. You may have seen this same reply on one of my previous posts. If I make a map of my idea, can someone perfect it? I suck at forging and i dont think you guys get what i'm trying to say
No actually, you use teleporters to go from one aircraft to the next incase you didn't get the aircraft you wanted when you spawned or teleported. Oh and it isn't on the ground. I used the sky area of sandbox. My gamertag is The War Man1, download it on my fileshare. Oh and download the gamemode next to it too.
I played on it and no offense but it is bad. Not at all what i had in mind. Sorry. I'll show you guys soon what i'm thinking of.