Made while listening to My Pillow Is The Threshold - Silver Jews. Resolution of all 3: 1920x1080 Illy for text and CS3 post. Have fun. Note: If your resolution is around 1600x900, I suggest setting it to 'Stretch' if you use it as your wallpaper. It looks great that way, in my opinion. 1. 2. 3.
Very interesting desktop. I actually like it alot. Only suggestions would be to make "The" and "Threshold" more separate and that most of the letters do not have realistic shadows.
The shadows of the letters are supposed to be darker than the rest of the shadows. This double shadow is because the original shadows are from the folds of the curtain which makes a light shadow, but the letters are very thick and solid, so they create a second darker shadow. And the shadows for the letters were annoying to pull off because when a curtain folds like that, it would normally create shadows in a few directional areas because of the refraction and such. I know they're not perfect, but I'm not a scientist
Version 1 looks the best imo. 2nd one looks more desaturated, and the b/w just doesn't work. Nice work Whisper on these, hope to see more creative Wallpapers from you