Advéniõ Highway I was screwing around last night, then this popped in my head... its theme is basically a broken down highway, as result of the covenent's slipspace rupture. all the exits are caved in or blocked off... your stuck in... 4-12 players. it looks ALOT better when playing it MAP- ADVENIO HIGHWAY -if the link breaks, it's on my file share! YouTube - ADVENIO HIGHWAY
You BETTER post this map, otherwise the thread will be locked. Not only do you need ot have a link, but you also need pictures. And nobody will download a map without pictures. How do you get pictures, you say? Well, on XBOX live, take some pictures of the map. You can even delete them after. Then go online to and type in your gamertag. Wait. After it takes forever you click on the picture you took and it enlarges. Scroll to the bottom and there's a link you can copy for forgehub. Just highlight it, copy. Then paste it on your post. And viola! You have pictures. Without pictures, again, nobody will download the map and this thread will be locked as a bonus gift.
First of all, don't advertise your map on peoples pages. But I checked this out earlier, it seemed cool. Second, you need to embed your pics. You can save it to a photo sharing site (I save mine to Imageshack), but you can use Photobucket, DeviantART, anything. Then, in the toolbar for posting your thread, there is a button to "insert picture". Copy the direct link of your uploaded picture and paste it in there. This is the most reliable way, as some people have computers that don't show the embedded picture, they just see the code for it. Onto the map, it seems fairly good. It has the same idea as Tsavo Standoff, but plays somewhat different. Not much to say about this map, except the forging seems average and looks as it will be enjoyable for a fair amount of time. Gameplay- 9.3/10 Aesthetics- 8/10 Forging 101 8/10 Overall 8.5/10
Benzu, quit being unhelpful and read the damn print on haloscreenshots for gods sake. It says the server is effing full, quit being unhelpful. People haven't bothered to check the site lately have they? Anyways, currently, the only way to get pictures of your map onto this post is if you: Make a Photobucket account Go to and rip the recent screenshots of your choice from it ( download them ) Upload these screenshots to Photobucket Copy the IMG code and paste it into the thread Hope this helps. I'm doing all this from an Itouch. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or a mod. K bi nao EDIT: Internet got locked up, I was making the helpful post first. Oh well, when he does everything sucessfully Ill give CC. Sorry about being 2 minutes behind. Okay....your pics are too small. Maybe use photobucket unless you can fix the issue with imageshack. Edit2: sweet, you got the screenshots up! I can't really say much, I don't want to be judgemental or anything till I play it on wednesday. I'll see to it though. I agree with the person several posts below me, this map is going to be outshines by the other highway themed map. And that sucks too, all maps deserve equal attention. Sigh...
Fully agree with you haloscreenshot has been down for like 2 and a half weeks but people dont check the site. This map is pretty good but someone the other day created this and called it savo standoff and it is based on the middle of sandbox
How can you rate a map you've never played? Disregard those ratings OP, they're moot. I haven't DL'd myself, so I won't critique as such. Based soley on what you have posted here I'm not swayed to DL. I'm sure the map will provide some fun to play on, as any logically created map will. But for me, it just looks kind of sloppy and I really don't like the road going across the bottom of the map. It must be a nuisance to bump into, since you're only able to traverse it by walking across the tube ramps that don't cover the entire thing. One more thing is the broken bridge. I know it's supposed to be destroyed and all, but the floating walls don't really capture it. I think it would've been better to just omit those, they clutter the middle too much and don't seem aesthetically fitting. And tough luck having that Tsavo Standoff map coming out at the same time, in all honesty this map will probably be outshined by that one. Thank you for taking the time to forge and post this though, I respect that and I wish you the best of luck in the future. My maps aren't the greatest, so don't think I'm being high and mighty, because I have no room to talk. Again, good luck with future forging. You can always ask around for help, including from me.
nice map! i got a game of 16 people on it. how long did it take to build it? hold on im sending you a friend request over Xbox LIVE! its like that map Tsavo highway! holy sh**
dude, dont blank it out. it just makes you look like a noob! no offense. im not trying to put you down... and thanks... i guess...