Introduction New User here.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xxBubblexTronxx, Aug 16, 2009.

  1. xxBubblexTronxx

    xxBubblexTronxx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey guys, I'm new here. I used to go to XForgery, but I was sent over here by the one and only AZN FTW. Believe it or not, I thought XForgery was one-of-a-kind until I was redirected to here. Quick question before I post my map, do you guys have map bbcode enabled here, or not? I'd like to know before I put the link to my map in my signature. I've been having a hard time looking for a certain map of my friends, too. I was wondering whether or not you guys had a map search. If you do, sorry, but I couldn't find it. Oh yeah, I found a pretty cool map I wanted to nominate for the feature, but I couldn't find the thread... And I couldn't find the feature vote either, do you guys even do that here? If you don't, how are the features even chosen? Yeah, so, I'm new here, and I plan to be here for a very long time.
  2. Killor118

    Killor118 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    #2 Killor118, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  3. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to Forgehub!

    Read rules and what not. Listen to Moderators, because their bullies and if you don't they will steal your lunch money. JK. Have fun. Try and look at everything to get to know more people.

  4. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this place is alot like xforgery,to my understanding,so you shouldnt have to much of a bad time. Read the rules and spam off topic. (i kid,i kid)
  5. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah yes. XForgery.

    Anyway, welcome to Forgehub! Be sure to check out the rules at the top of the page. Killor118 seems to have provided you with the proper links, so enjoy!
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Perfectly put, a very helpful post indeed.

    Welcome to FH, the above covers everything you asked pretty definitively, but if you have further questions then please feel free to ask myself or another Staff member via PM or Visitor Messages. The Customer service forum is also a good place to ask questions, though it's always worth searching the forum beforehand to see if the question has been asked and answered before, since it saves time on both sides and keeps things more concise and tidy in there.

    Hope you enjoy your time here.
  7. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I was wondering the same thing as you, I can't find the map search engine now that I think about it. Also, where are my medals? I can't seem to find 'em no matter where I look. Also, where do I post my maps? I can't seem to find any underneath all this spam. Naw, welcome to FH.

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