A test of a cool effect. Made using three seperate images. The explosion, the bg, and the spartan. cnc plawks
Tutorial. Like, RIGHT NOW. This sig looks amazing. It pretty much brings a whole new style to everyone. The image looks so HD! I just love how it looks. Great job. Make a tutorial.
It's good, but I can't tell which is the focal. Maybe move the explosion behind him more, that way you are looking back and forth between the spartan and the blast.
The high quality of the spartan is pretty amazing. The lighting is also pretty amazing. Where you get that spartan at? or if you made it yourself, what you do?
thanks. the tutorial wont be very large if i make one. it does look a little two pronged i agree...... the spartan i got from an amazing Halo screenshotist known as Letol. Somehow he makes the images very high quality. I then rendered it. thanks sarcasm?