Sandbox Kilauea

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Vapour knuckles, Aug 16, 2009.

  1. Vapour knuckles

    Vapour knuckles Ancient
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    Creator: Vapour knuckles and AURORA JETEX

    Racetrack Name: Kilauea

    Map Name: Sandbox

    Gametype: RACETRACKS

    Description: This map Kilauea represents one of the volcanoes on Hawaii. It is a very active volcano which has cause a powerful eruption of lava that came from the depths of hell. It is quite small compared to the other volcanoes on Hawaii but it still makes quite a big explosion. In the course of the eruption, lava flows have destroyed a famous 700 year-old Hawaiian temple, overrun many houses, but the famous old tree survived through it still. But you still need to escape by going through the old ruins of the temple and making a huge turn leading to a jump that make you go flying through the eruption making you land on the lava flow skidding along the lava. You speed up and see the big tree that will always stand tall forever as you make a sharp turn to the escape. This track will test your skill as you choose you path as you try to escape by take the toughest route yet but the only way left home, is through the fiery beast of the volcano.



    What inspired your creation?
    We didn't really have much inspiration, but I wanted to make a track with good scenery in it and also be a good racetrack. We truly believe we achieved it as well, since it has a great volcano, a tree and a broken down temple. We wanted to make more scenery but I didn't use a stacked canvas so we hit the object limit. We was hoping to make a city as well.

    How long did it take you to create?
    We worked on the map in a short of time. I was very focused on making this track and I did it in a time spread of 2 weeks. We spent about 20 hours on it. We really didn't have many problems with it except hitting the object limit and We had to money glitch objects ourselves.

    What aspect took you the longest to get right?
    We didn't really have much problems with forging the track but maybe the longest part may be the scenery and the geomerging but we didn't find forging too hard at all. I guess because we're used to it.

    Download here
    #1 Vapour knuckles, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  2. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    Looks smooth with a solid concept. Great forging, although it looks a tad short. Edit: 28 seconds... Decent length. DL qued and I will give a full review later.

    Kilauea (how the **** do you pronounce that?!?) is one of the better themed maps out there. I've seen a few and even made a volcano based track, but never have I seen a well executed active volcano. I especially like that you actually go into the lava, but since the solid interlocking blocks the kill ball's death generating core, you go right through. I have to say the temple ruins and the tree were really quite random, even if there is a historic story to it all. I don't know about anybody else, but I would've rather seen an entirely volcanic map with side aesthetics that are directly related to volcanoes.

    The track flows quite well, although I had one issue with the volcano. 90% of the time, I would go up the ramp normally and I would flip end over end down the side of the volcano. This is because of the first grav-lift that is not straightly aligned and pushes people over. This is a big issue and it needs to be fixed. Other than that, the track is pretty much flawless. 4/5-Needs improvement

    Your interlocking is pretty much perfect and same with the small amount of geomerging there is. No other comment. 5/5

    While your volcano theme isn't original, it is still well executed. I suggest working out the issue with the volcano landing. Other than that, a great volcano themed map. 5/5

    OVERALL: 4⅔

    #2 Mongoose, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  3. camyhead1

    camyhead1 Ancient
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    cool map but maybe ad a few more pics just to see the map for but from the one it looks like a nice smooth racetrack, oh yeah awesome scenery makes the map extremely good looking.
  4. QmAn102

    QmAn102 Ancient
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    wow very good forging. i really like the valcano idea. but what is the big green thing towards the outside of the map? a tree maybe? well anyway looks great and looks like a fun time. more pictures would be nice just to see all of your map from different angles.
  5. MLRR

    MLRR Ancient
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    The volcano and the palm tree, just caught my attention. This is a very unique racetrack. I like it alot. Great forging you put into this map.
  6. Vapour knuckles

    Vapour knuckles Ancient
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    Thanks for the review and I will update it thank you very much and too be honest, I didn't plan with the Hawaii volcano from the start but I just remembered about it and remembered it had a destroyed temple so I made the thing (I don't know what that building was suppose to be in the first place but jetex built it)in the first place more like a temple. Also the tree we just wanted to make a big tree because I was thinking of building a treehouse but it couldn't happen because of object limit.

    Also the map has been updated the gravity lift problem has been fixed, so please download again.
    #6 Vapour knuckles, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009

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