PARADOX download here :desription: paradox is a small team slayer or ffa map. it has 3 levels the bottom floor, midsection, and the top floor bottom floor: the bottom has 4 ways to the midsection two way to the top floor (teleporters) and one way back and forth from the two sides. its devided into to sections that make up the bases. its devided by a hallway with a grav lift that takes u up to the top floor but has a tunnle with a shield door in it which prevents them from shooting down or thowing gernades. midsection: the midsection is basically an outer rim that provieds a way up and down from top to bottom but has good stratical postitions. it blocked off by brideges to prevent them for standing up there and shooting people on the bottom floor. since the walk ways are long and have no cover i divided the map with shield doors (camping isnt an issue. top floor: the top floor has 5 way up two that have shield doors. the other two are teleporters and the last the central lift. the teleporters are placed so that if someone is camping u come up behind them while their guarding the shield door camping is posible but really hard to do because all the ways up bring u behind a spot they would use to camp. pics weapon list: 4 battle rifles spawn 30 1 shotgun spawn 120 1 sniper rifle spawn 120 2 smgs spawn 30 2 spikers spawn 30 1 magnum spawn 30 1 plasma pistol spawn 30 2 plasma rifles spawn 30 1 energy sword spawn 120 2 covenant carbines spawn 30 2 sentinel beams spawn 30 equipment list: 2 bubble shields spawn 90 2 power drains spawn 120 4 frag gernades spawn 10 8 plasma gernades spawn 10 1 active camo spawn 90
Looks pretty good but next time make the words in the pics smaller and don't change how they loook in photoshop or using grenades.
Same, I think I'll download it after school, looks really good. I don't think there's anything wrong with the pics, it makes them look better.
I think its difficult to see what your map looks like with that heavy of an effect on all of your photos. Nothing is wrong with lightening them a little, but most of the details are whited out in your pictures. You have a nice description though. A flare works better for lightening a map in my opinion. You should give it a try.
thanks for the comps i used photoexplosion for the effects alls i did was adjust the focus and sharpen it i thought it looked good