As most of you know, this is the first **** Zombies map from Call Of Duty:WAW. Some of you might remeber this map from my other thread, Nacht Der Untot. This is my newer version that I have created thanksto the comments people have made. For people who haven't seen my older version, I will start from the begining introducing this one. It includes everything, inside and out, that the original WAW map had. The only problem is that I was unable to include the complete upstairs due to object limitations. Now, enough talking, here are the screenshots. Changes 1) Windows are changed so it is much harder for humans to get out but zombies still get in just as easily. 2) Cave is blocked for humans but zombies can still get in through it. 3) Block was moved that was used to get ontop of the map. 4) Secret way for zombies to get upstairs was blocked. (But the map still contains its basic outline and structures) Overview Here it is, the **** Zombie map you have been waiting to see! And of course all these pictures are from the updated version. Inside This is the inside of the first room-where the humans start off in. It includes two weapons, a battle rifle(Kar), and a carbine(M1A1 Carbine). This is where the block was moved. Inside 2 Stairs The stairs and the porch for the zombies both open in two minutes, so you will need to hold off until then. Nothing really changed here. Upstairs Once upstairs you will see that the rest of it is blocked off by walls, like I said, sorry, but the object limit forced me to block it off. You will also see that there is one window and 4 frag gernades. To the left is where the zombies secret way up is blocked. Help Room Door The Help room door will open 1 minute after the stairs do. So if you ever get upstairs, you will most likely hold out until it opens. Nothing changed here. Help Room This is the help room, the reason you have been trying to survive for so long. If you do actually get in here, you will be rewarded with the mystery box, a shotgun(works as any shotgun in ****'s), and a SMG(Thompson). Inside the cave, a gravity lift has been placed, pushing humans back in the level if they try to escape.(Cave is shown on the right side of the second picture) Help Room 2 Well, that's basically it for this map. Hope you like it and have fun playing it. Tell me what you think of this newer version. Download and see how long you can survive. My real gamertag is EliteArtem just to let people know. Download map: http: : Halo 3 File Details Download gametype: : Halo 3 File Details
Please look at the rules before posting a map: Threads must include at least one picture of the map. All pictures must be embedded. Download links must lead to a posted map on the bungie forums, NOT your fileshare. You must include at least a brief description of the map. Thread titles must consist of the map name ONLY - no other symbols, comments or irregular formatting. Here is a guide to getting high quality screen shots into your thread: Start a game for the map you want to show. After starting it, end the game. Go into theater mode and start the game. Pause it and take pictures (Press "X" and select the camera icon). Go on the internet to your service record (on and take a look at your recent pictures. Click on "View in High Res" for the ones you want to use, and download them to your computer. Upload them to a photo site, like TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting. Highlight the link under "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" (for and post it on the thread. Your pictures should come up large and in high quality.
Overall this looks like a decent replica. Without high gravity though, people could just jump out of the map like in the %th picture. BTW, turn colorblind off because that is not what NdU looks like. Mabye just gloomy. In the 5th pcture people could cheat unless the gametype has high gravity. Overall it looks like a fairly accurate recreation of ndu. BTW turn of colorblind because that does not make it look like it at all. I suggest gloomy but nothing else.
It is not just colorblind, and trust me, I have been on nacht der so many times, this is the best it will look like compared to nacht. Play on it, the color is actually very much the same.
not a bad map at all. of what you have it is one of the best remakes yet. i still think you could have deleted some of the senery outside to make the ACTUAL level. i mean you say that its exactly like the real thing and than you say your missing a HUGE room. i would say delete some of the things outside like one of the warthogs the mongooses? (dont even know why thats there) and most of the fusion coils, some of the columns. i know that it wount look as accurate from an outside view but when you think about it i would finish the ACTUAL map before the ouside is completely accurate. just saying if you delete those things you might have enough to at least make a smaller version of the upstairs. anyway of what you have its good but i would suggest finishing it.
wow ok two in a row I'll say it again, I'm really starting to get sick of these maps especially without the walls above and with the ability to escape the windows this is just an ok map, (altough this map does look nicer) PLEASE PLEASE PEOPLE STOP MAKING THESE MEDIOCRE MAPS. Look at Masterdebater's **** zombie map then either make your own level based on the game or recreate one of the other maps. Try using the one way windows and put in a full building ie: the upstairs.
I think people here are giving you too hard of a time. First of all, the outside is EXTREMELY SIMILAR. Second of all, the Inside is missing a lot! I understand how you can hit the item limit (I do eventually on all of my maps), but you can redo this. As far as the color goes, sure, why not. It's alot better than the old timey coloring of the OTHER **** Zombies map. I recommend deleting one fusion coil out of each set of three, that way it is still an insta-kill or at least brings them ****'s to no shielding. Besides that, you can delete some of the more useless columns or warthogs because the outside is not as important as the inside. Also, you didn't show the weapon randomizer room!
Guys, just stop basing your opinions off how the map looks. Try out the gameplay of it and then tell me its boring or whatever. I've played it with my friends and other people, and they all loved it. I'm not saying you'll love it, maybe you will, maybe you won't, but just try to play it.(Not including the whole upstairs has never been much of a problem to anyone who has tried it) Dark, if you have nothing to say about the map, then I don't really need your comments and I already said I can't create more objects. And Benzu, the mystery box room is in the map. The door in the pictures opens and leads in the help room(room with mystery box).
Even if i deleted all the objects outside the map, i would not have enough to recreated the whole upstairs before reaching the OLN again, and i dont even have enough walls or wall doubles left.
I think this is actually a very good remake, nice job! Without modified gravity (200%), one could easily escape this map. I'd also suggest using either the Gloomy filter, or a combination of Gloomy, Juicy, and Colorblind (Colorblind/Juicy is a very slight boost to the Gloomy filter). I would say that overall, this is the best remake of Nacht Der Untoten I have seen. Good work, 4.95/5
Thanks! And in the gametype the gravity is set to 200% and the filters are gloomy and colorblind. At first it was just gloomy, but that didn't look dark enough for Nacht Der, so i added colorblind and it looked almost the same as Nazis.
It's a good remake of it, though I think it's too light for colourblind by itself... I think it should be old timey, juicy, and gloomy, as it has the darkest effect...
Old timey makes it just too dark, and then combined with juicy and gloomy, thats just not Nazis. Nacht Der is dark but not that much. Colorblind with gloomy is the closets that i see it can get.
this is a good map. its just that he didnt finish it. i know he hit the OL but you shouldve used it better. also you can escape this map even with 200 % gravity. its extremely easy.
Even with a stacked canvas and a budget glitched map, the main problem is that i don't have enough walls, wall doubles, and wall halves. So until someone finds a glitch for that, this map can never be complete. And i dont understand why u guys complain, gameplay in this is great (everyone who plays with me loves it) and the forging is not sloppy or messy.
This is a very good map u made is silmilar to whats outside but the building overall doesnt quiet look whats in it i rate it 4/5 Im Makeing A Nacht Der Untoten it doesnt have anything outside but i made the building completely similar like ur the game of **** zombies im still learning how to post stuff on here so it will be on once i figure it out but in other words good job on the map
i relly dont care if you have the rest of the level built anymore but you need to fix it so you cant escape very easily. like at the balcony. that area is very sloppy
No, the area is not sloppy, thats how its supposed to be made, and my old map was a lot easier to escape, at least in this one when you try and jump out, you need to get your crouch jump just right and you will probably get assassinated before or during the time. And also, since you cant just jump over the windows and out of the map, people I play with aren't trying to get out of the map anymore.
i look close and see you used wall doubles for a floor? why didnt you just have the origional flooring?other than that its a good recreation.