I generally dislike those who complain about aesthetic maps not being playable, but I can see the point in this case - It looks like it "should" be playable. What you have done is brought another hidden peice of the halo universe into the light, sort of like Vals "Oni Ampitheatre" - and that is very cool.
hey nice map you got and just to tel you i was looking around in orbital after playing your map and noticed that thers a picture of another tether in the red base right above the mongoose spawn
Absolutely amazing. This almost perfectly duplicated the concept art. There are a few merges that could be cleaned up a bit, but other than that, it's perfect. 4.9/5
wow, this looks really good. Way to be original! Looks clean and looks kinda/exactly like the picture good job dude. 4.5/5
I was more implying that it could also be used as a basis for a competitive map if it was to be reconstructed loosely in the crypt. Obviously it would need to be smaller. Great work none the less.
I downloaded this map and it is great it looks really good i will never delete it from my hard drive i have rated it a good 5/5
Amazing appearance. It looks just like the picture. I don't know about playability though. You could make it into a very good competitive map.
Good replica. Too bad it's not playable. That's really too bad. 5/5 if you are the type of person who loves to look at the sunset. 1/5 if you are the person who likes to play video games at sunset.
Hmmm this is a very nice build holy crap its nice to see someone who has creativity. Overall I can't find any faults with it the only thing that would make this map better is gameplay. Its pretty much built to scale as the picture and I love the way you implemented the teleporters in the middle that makes it look sweet! I would normally give some form of constructive criticism but I can't seem to find anything to criticize overall very nice. 4.5/5 (simply because it would be sweet to see gameplay on this)
actually, right now I'm working on the same excact thing except in trying to make it a symmetrical/assimmetrical. your probally looks better than mine so far. props 2 u. merging looks outstanding as well.
You know, I always thought that the Tether looked pretty cool. This Is a great remake of the Tether, you got my DL. Aesthetics: 5/5 Originality: 5/5 ( looks like the only remake of this) Gameplay: I don't think it's supposed to be for actual games. Overall: 8/10
yeah if anyone has been able to make it playable, post the map here, I'd like to try it out as well, i've been away from my box for a little while.
I haven't read all of the comments so I don't know if someone has said this or not, but I think you should have made it on the main level. I think that would make it some what playable. and with the tubs, or what ever comes off of the structure, you could have those run into a hill or something. Then I think I would DL, but for right now it's just cool, not amazing. Also if you make a v2 you should make it bigger so you could go inside of it.
Wow this looks almost exactly like the picture, and it seems like it would be good for one sided game types.