NORMANDY CREATED BY EMERGING KILLER The gametypes that support this map are only TERRITORIES This here is the most Devastating battle in U. S. history, As an American in the war you jump out of your boat and on to the beach where you grab as many weapons as you can, and start to move up the beach trying to get past explosions machine gun turrets and guys shooting at you from the bunker and from the wall. As you make your way to the wall you have 3 options to enter the german base you either go through the bunker, bust throught the wall of barrels, or go through the pipe. When you make it to the end of the base you capture their base by moving into the territory. Now if your the germans you also have 3 options you can either stay on the wall with 3 turrets 1 on the tower, 1 on the gate, and 1 on the broken wall next to the pipe. You can also go down into the armoury and grab some weapons. But all in all just defend your base. TO DOWNLOAD MAP VARIENT: TO DOWNLOAD GAME VARIENT: PICTURE 1: The american boats. Picture 2: Armoury for americans right next to the boats. Picture 3: Battlefield leading up to the german wall. Picture 4: Entrance 1 into the bunker. Picture 5: Entrance 2 through the barrels. Picture 6: Entrance 3 into the pipe. Picture 7: Turret 1, right behind the gate. Picture 8: Turret 2, on top of the gate. Picture 9: Turret 3, ontop of the lookout tower. Picture 10: Turret 4, on the broken wall. Picture 11: The german armoury. Picture 12: The german bunker.
I'm not really sure what you are going for here, but this should help you out... and will also let you know how to code you links properly, right now none of your links are active, the description sound interesting, so you should really fix your links, and photos... I know that posting your map can be confusing at first...
this looks cool and i would download it but im full on space on maps srry but good map anyways and i like the way that u have mae te spawn points in the barriers that are like ships cool and nice idea
Well, I have to say it looks pretty good for high ground. The one thing that erks me is the American Armory. It isn't very historically accurate, they landed with the guns they had and that was it. I like the boats very innovative.
I made a map called d-day and it was just like this that was my second map i ever made ah the memories, illl download this map.
yeah this was actually the first map i ever made to on halo and i think people agree with me when i say that d-day map is kind of the funnest one out there
This is not very original I think everyone and their mothers have made at least 1 D-Day map. Try building something completely random.
there is a better Normandy map on last resort. no offense it's just that last resort is a better map for a Normandy remake.
not at all dude this map is alot more ralistic then that last resort one and this one came out before it too
People play video games to get away from realism if you wanted your map to look good and be realistic why isn't this in the asthetic section? Also armories are not a very good idea especialy when its just a bunch of guns laying on the ground when you could have made a table or something to put them on.
This is kind of an old map don't you think? Alson you could have done something for the turrets they seem kind of in the open you could have made pill boxes around them.
needs more work. u need to sort things out more, and armorys just means alot of camping so you should spread all the weapons out.
well the whole armory idea was overused so many times and it is also a bad thing because it is hard to pick a weapon, also there are too many power weapons for both teams