Teh Truman Show Well I saw this move a while back and has been my favorite ever since, it's a really interesting movie and just so strange to think about. It's serious but funny in some ways also, alot of people had said it's their favorite, and I encourage you to see it, here is the link, btw this is on my iPod touch so it's mobile wikipedia Link also I'm newto general chat so if I made amistake correct me Discuss
I don't understand what you're getting at.. What are we supposed to discuss about it? Yeah, it was a great movie and had a very original concept, but was it neccesary to make a thread?
Well I wwas saying my opinion on the movie and wondering if other people have seen it and if they liked it also to recomend it to other ppl.
i really liked it as well. in my opinion it was jim carrey's best movie. the concept was great and he really sold the main character.
Even more impressive when you think about how this movie was made in 1998, two years before Survivor sparked the current obsession with reality TV.
i think it was amazing but i thought there may have been a better actor possible, as he(jim carey) made it less serious with the way he acts
The metaphysics of the movie are much older than reality Tv. It seems that about 90% of philosophy is in coming up with scenarios like this to illustrate an idea. I'm pretty sure the ideas in this movie and the idea of reality tv are independent, and the similarities coincidental. It is a great movie, by the way. I really loved it, saw it when it first came out. It's an age-old question... what if they really are all out to get me? Or be entertained by me, in this case?
I've always wanted to see this movie, but whenever it's on TV, I miss it. I saw parts of it, and the concept just really got me interested.
I'm not suggesting that this movie is responsible for inventing the whole concept that the whole world is a false reality designed to fool one guy. Just that the fact that they did a movie about a reality TV show taken to its most extreme before reality TV was mainstream is impressive. What reality shows were there before Survivor? Just game shows and sports, as far as I know they didn't even call stuff "Reality TV" before that, and the Truman Show came out with a movie about the most invasive, most voyeuristic reality TV show there could ever be. This guy's whole life broadcast 24/7 with zero commercials, just product placement. At the time, that wasn't something people even considered.
Personally, I think Carrey is what made this movie. Without the subtle humor, the movie wouldnt have been as well rounded, and therefore wouldve become minorly dull in certain areas.
I completely agree. It's a great concept but the humour is really only generated Carrey. I didn't think it was that compelling of a movie.
People aren't being so adventurous with plots like they used to. This reminds me of Goundhog Day. I'll definately give this a watch. I thought old Jim Carrey was absolutely fab, but i feel he's only around now for the money.
I dont agree, i just think Ace Ventura left him screwed into one kind of role, which isnt called for often. The Number 23 was adventurous for him, and I found it to be a fantastic movie.
Saw it in the theater. Was good then and it's still good now. You can only watch it so many times though. I like how they try to advertise during the whole movie and Jim's character is like what are you talking about, lol..
IMO Jim Carrey is a much better actor in dramas like this. If anyone has seen The Number 23, you'll know what I mean.
I agreewith that and also he was in a movie called dumb and dumber so he has done this more than once also it's true tht his previous movies set him in a "foolish" position. Ex. I can't watch any tom hanks or I think about forest gump