Sandbox MLG Stixis v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by xT Game Over Tx, Aug 15, 2009.

  1. xT Game Over Tx

    xT Game Over Tx Ancient
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    MLG Stixis V2←Link to map

    Hey guys hows it goin? I know its been a while since my last Desert Ninja. I recently had a little revolution and now made a couple of MLG maps. I CHANGED MY GAMERTAG from Stix227 to
    xT Game Over Tx
    On with the map:

    this is blue base| red base looks the same:↓

    And Everybody loves an overview:↓

    Here's a Vid. IMO better than screenshots ↓
    YouTube - MLG Stixis Forgehub guide

    Please keep in mind guys that this'd be my first MLG map made. Its made for wide open BR battles. Good for leading targets with your br from a distance. Please play and tell me what you think. I consider this map finished as far as placing scenery. I am very open to suggestions as far as spawn point placement goes. thats always a little tricky.
    This works for:
    MLG TS V6
    Link to map is at top.
    #1 xT Game Over Tx, Aug 15, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2009
  2. Powerslave

    Powerslave Ancient
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    Looks great, excpecially the center piece, but im not sure about the teleporters. too easy to storm into the base from every angle.
  3. Muiriled

    Muiriled Ancient
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    Well to start off, it looks like it is far too much jumping. Try adding more ramps to get from place to place, especialy in the middle area. Jumping is too distracting for the player moving from place to place and much easier for someone else to kill them. Also none of your structures really flow together, some random pieces of cover are scattered all over the map and the 5 main structures arent connected in anyway. It would make gameplay a bit odd and it doesn't look very pleasing. Also the teleporters are a good idea, I love gameplay w/ teles but they're very open. Try making light and dark bases larger, with more to offer below. Also it'd be a wise idea to make the teles uncampable. If you're gonna use teleporters in a MLG map you need to make them tele-camping-proof. This can be done with a simple grav-lift interlocked into a wall behind the portal.

    In conclusion:

    -Take out most of the jumps you have to get from place to place and replace the with ramps, main routes should never involve jumping, but tiny jumps around the map that could provide quicker routes (Door jump-up on Ons) are good. You should be able to walk onto every structure in someway.

    -Make the map flow, try connecting most of your structures, and try to avoid random cover scatter around the map. Also give people a purpose to go to certain places. Great LOS or a power-up/power weapon are ideal reasons. Making player move around the map is a good thing.

    -Also add to your structures. They look more like empty shells of a building rather than something great. Something as simple as another floor below or extended walls can really make a difference.

    -Make the teleporters uncampable by buidling it into a wall and add a gravlift behind them.

    The map itself is not terrible, and I'm sure the gameplay is average, but some small and some large changes can make this map really good and great fun.
    #3 Muiriled, Aug 15, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2009
  4. Jaya

    Jaya Ancient
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    well the spawn killing is going to be insane on this map....

    kinda average map.. it dosn't look like you took to much time making this, i could be wrong though. what you want to do is add more ramps connecting the main area's of the map so it flows better. also putting in more cover for players spawning... but what you should find if you start adding in ramps and bridges that the cover will become a lot easier to put in.

    teleporters = in this kinda map it just scrues everything over.

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