Mythic DLC Cavemans Cave

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by strider793, Aug 15, 2009.

  1. strider793

    strider793 Ancient
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    this is a map my freind on XBL made, so therefore its not mine, his GT is "NF Caveman". this is my second attempt in making this, when I was getting the link last time i lost it D:
    oh, and this is one of the first maps im posting

    anyway, heres the link : Halo 3 File Details

    this is the entire cave.

    this is the only entrence, complete with rockslide.

    after the rockslide has been activated.

    after the second hallway(yes the second).

    after third hallway

    after forth hallway

    after fith hallway

    Cavemans Throne(one in most all his maps)

    Again, i did NOT make this map, a freind of mine did. and this is one of my first maps that I've posted, so it probably won't be that good. anyway, it would be best if you downloaded it and check it out. there are alot of things that you dont see in the pics soo...yeah. and no we dont have a game for it yet, we're thinking 1flag/bomb, or infection.

    Please post your comments and concerns.
    #1 strider793, Aug 15, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2009
  2. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    I'm still shocked no one else has seen this... The does look very sweet, and the rock slide.... rocks lol, but can't you get to the top of the tower/cave/mountain/hill by going next to the wall and taking a series of paths? like running up the tilted double box?

    Just judging by pics.
  3. camyhead1

    camyhead1 Ancient
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    Cool map but maybe have some pics without effects to get a better view of the inside of the cave its pretty dark and also im pretty sure this is in the wrong section ask a mod to move it to aesthetic maps because im sure you cant play games on it right??
  4. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    Damn it! I was gonna do a cave.

    Anyway, it looks good. I know you don't have a gametype on it yet, but did you have a game in mind for this or was it just for looks?
  5. strider793

    strider793 Ancient
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    we were thinking of a one flag gametype or one bomb, mabey even an infection. his first thought was a gametype in which one alpha zombie(the caveman) defended his cave from a team of others that are trying to plant a bomb but sadly thats not going to work lol.

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