I, I was on my map for taking screenshots and then, I saw this on my TV, I don't know how to recreate this effect, If someone is good at screenshots and wan't to help me, message me or post here. This is not photoshoped, clichere for proof
When your sheilds are depleated instantly, you will see an array of those little circles on your screen.
The effect is no more than average. To tell you the truth, I'm a little sick of seeing blinding lights in screenshots. Keep in mind guys, effect is only half of the screenshot, positioning camera wise, and focal wise is the other. This effect can only be taken in First Person view, you can't recreate it.
Hey.. havent been on here for a while.. Anyways little trick I have from name sigs.. if you can ever get that again or if you still have the film saved.. Just click B like twice in theatre and your reticle and hud will go away.. might make the picture worth saving.
It's when your shields go down, I was doing it in campaign in oen of those areas where ur screen freezes and it stays on ur screen
My gosh dude, he put this up to ASK HOW IT HAPPENED. If he put it up for a screenshot. If he put it up to show it off, he would have removed the HUD. Plus, there is a way to get this to be a screenshot. First, have a monitor put a weapon in front of you. It is best to do this in local, cause in LIVE, it screws up due to server lag. Second, pick up the weapon the same time the monitor deletes it. If it was your secondary weapon you were switching for the deleted weapon, you secondary should be gone. If it was your only weapon, you should have no weapon. Repeat if you had a secondary. Third, get the person to pose in front of you and get this effect on screen. In theater, remove to HUD when you get to this point and Voila, a screenshot. Oh, and you can lower your weapon too. Lol.