How to do it "Liek a Boss" Its Legit, and you can also boost your channel views as well. YouTube - Boosting Youtube Views (Tutorial)
I think you mean "like a boss" not liek a boss i mean i can understand the first time misspelling it but 3 time c'mon man
Liek a boss...Nope...I spelt it that way. I know how to spell. Just dont be a smart-ass and correct me. I think the title should stay the same. You cant get banned from it. Im pretty sure it doesnt violate the terms of use on Youtube.
Doesn't mean that they won't perma-ban you anyway. How many people will take a case to court, claiming that they were unjustly banned for shamelessly boosting Youtube views on their video depicting a burping dog?
If not, I am quite sure, you would be black-listed. Due to the fact that they have those medal/awards for most viewed, subscribed, etc... and boosting like that is NOT legit or fair to other youtubers.
Yea in that quote. I see that. #11 - Most Viewed (Today) - Gurus - Canada It was kinda me on accident. But thats from Channel Views.. If it was from video views then they proabably wouldnt care. Besides. No one really cared about the Medal System on Youtube. Its more like a "Notification" to some people. More then less. Why would youtube care? They are probably making millions from this service. And its google pretty much. I mean they have a right to "Disable" peoples account.
Well, I believe some youtubers true to earn this, and boosting your views for fun, seems to be a little immature. I also think it is one of the the things youtube looks at to partner up with channels (Advertising).
Directly from youtube. "Applications are reviewed for a variety of criteria, including but not limited to the size of your audience, country of residence, quality of content, and consistency with our Community Guidelines and Terms of Use." They cant track views. But they can track subscribers.
Aside from the questionable morals, when this starts to catch on and more and more people begin to make use of these programs, their use will effectively constitute a DDoS, and then it'll be game over. So enjoy it while it lasts. Lock.