My first sniping map Sky high. Made for 2 teams (must be red & blue) Red base Blue base HLG Snipers on Sky high Sniper box? In the beggining of the game After 2 min RULES Rounds: 5 Round limit: 3 min Lives per round: 3 Starting weapons: Sniper & BR Unlimited ammo: Disabled Damedge modifier: Instant kill Action shots Perfect shot BOOM headshot! Have fun!Thanks to my friends who helped me test the map.
It's been done before. Don't feel special. But besides that, it seems like an alright sniper battle map. Personally I believe that you need to add some Beam Rifles in, though. I'm better with those.
Er, if this is a sniper map, why would you put in BRs and instant kill? Wouldn't that make people just want to get lucky with the BR spread?