Recreant is a small map built in the sky bubble. It was designed for the Community Sandbox Ladder at, and fits the "Team Doubles" theme nicely. Doubles is it's strong point, but it also works with small FFA games. It works with Slayer and KoTH. Overview one. Overview two. Base exterior and bottom mid. Base interior. Link to Recreant.
It looks good but don't post link to fileshare post it to tha actual map. It looks good for 2v2 and it reminds me of warlock. I cannot see the pics to well, but that's my fault because I'm on my iPod, so there are a bit blurry. it looks really good though keep up the good work.
It is a direct link. I dont know why i wrote "Recreant in my file share." Thanks for the comment though!
This is alright. I'll say that it's average. But either way I like it more than Assembly, the most boring/frustrating map of all time, which is also circle shaped. Now for the criticising. First of all let's take the concept, there are two bases, which I hope that respawn points are also elsewhere in the map or else.. spawnkillfest! But anyway, it's a circular shape with an overpass and a dip under it. That's swell. I'll give your concept a 7/10, which is alright because this isn't supposed to be the most original map of all time.. Your design worked well off of your concept, you put a midship-style sword retrieval and at least 2 ways into and out of each "base". The dip contains finely separated large corners. There's certainly plenty of cover. I'll give your design an 8.5/10 because there's not much I can see that you could do with the map aestheticswise or gameplaywise. Finally, your crafting was.. okay. I've seen better, I've seen worse. There's certainly interlocking, but the map itself doesn't look smooth enough. So I'll give your crafting a 7/10 because it was average. Overall I'd say this map deserves a 7.5/10 because it's not really anything we haven't seen before. There's no specific reason some browser would look at this and say "I'll download this." So anyway, good job.
It indeed reminds of Assembly. Neither did I like the original Assembly very much but this is much better. The map's kind of small though so it'd be good for 1v1, 2v2 games. That's alright however. I'm not sure why you didn't put any roofs to the 'bases'. It'd be good to have some in there but then make them out of double blocks or something so people wouldn't jump on them. I don't know if it's meant so that people can get on the walls of the bases. 3.5 / 5.0
Oh look, it's Eakle! Great map, this is one of the maps where pictures REALLY cannot display the thought put into the map. The balance, spawns and intangibles you can only see while playing this are what makes this map so good, and one of my favorites in the Dubs ladder.
Originally, i was going to add a second floor to each base. Im not sure why i didnt, and i may go back and do it if possible. Thanks! Thanks, Nevz! We should get a game going on this soon. Is Power Cell going to be in the next patch?
This looks good, but still too small. Also, im not sure but the look of the stones and lighting doesnt really pull off Midship IMO. Forging is good, could use alittle work, overall 7/10
Thanks, Havok. Im considering adding a second floor to both bases, then a loft-like area above Bruteshot and Needler. That might add a lot more to the map. I'll have to see what the ONL and budget will allow.