Ok, well i've waited patiently and quietly waiting for bungie to bring back the RR playlist. However they have not. When RR was up that was the only reason to play halo for me, and i would play constant hours of it. When they took it away, i felt like a peice of my soul had died. So I decided to make a petition for the rejuvenation of the Rocket race playlist. When i get enough signatures i'll present it to shishka/the optimatch playlist discusion. To sign up just leave your name or a fond memory of rocket race. Silent oo Death Crippled Hobo. Benji4611 rifte gifle MetaWaddleDee The MightyB 243 pinohkio Approve Memos baz000ka j0e Il Plan B Il DoWw Halo kid 024 MLRR Scobrafresh Kidbomber Meltyourtv SmokinWaffle PwnsauceAddict Mikelp10 JesseKS Tnt dyn0mite AlexIsCoool Scarfac3d OJassasin Last updated:8:43 8/15/09 (I can't update untill the 23 but keep signing up!)
Rocket race was my favourite double xp weekend event, and when they brought it out into the playlist, it was like a dream come true lol. Getting xp for something that doesn't stress me out but actually makes me laugh at least once a game. I was also really annoyed when they took it off the playlist. Sign me on to the petition! Crippled Hobo.
you sir, are obviously not a true fan of RR. Being 100% you'd play your favorite game was what made the playlist worth it.
Rocket race on Valhalla, that was my first game in matchmaking...such fond memories sign me up! MetaWaddleDee
I am tired of RR. I would rather see regular racing or Battle Tracks next time. They need to give some new games a chance and let the old ones die for good.
That's cool. Point out that you have a spell check and i don't. Why does it matter if i can spell someone's GT or one word right? How can you be tired of something that hasn't been in matchmaking since September?
Well I had a petition for it and that where you. Prolly got the idea from. I'll sign up for it GT pinohkio, I like to won with out a mongoose.
I'm signing it! GT: Approve Memos Also, putting race maps into matchmaking would require equal starting and more barriers. It'd be unfair for those who have bad connection and get into the game late and hindering there ability to win. ..and not everyone is great at racing either. I could see new players falling off maps and getting easily frustrated.
I'm don't mean to completely shut you guys down, but Shishka will lock your petition thread immediately because petitions are not allowed on Bungie.net. Otherwise, I would sign it.
hmm... not on bungie... i'd like to see him lock it here on 4chub. I'm going to probably PM him about it once i have a lot of signatures.
They won't do those because people can spawn camp too easily. You have my support, but it won't work.
I agree. They need to put some other stuff in Halo besides social sack, or whatever the hell it's called.. All you do in that playlist is shoot rockets at each other. I'd rather watch tv than play halo nowadays... But thankfully there's customs... Thank God there's customs. lol The day Bungie allows popular maps/games into matchmaking will be the day Halo comes back.. once and for all.