~Welcome to the Trash Pit!~ Map Download - HERE Gametype Slayer-Slayer Team Slayer Custom Gametype Slayer Oddball-Oddball Team Oddball Custom Gametype Oddball ~Weapons List~ Needler Spartan Laser Brute Shot Shotgun Rocket launcher Covenant Carbine Sniper Rifle SMG and some normal ones: Assault Rifle, Battle rifle Trash pit is a slayer pit like a garbage pit where every trash put in here.2-16Players Overview of the map 2nd Overview Sometimes Trash will fall down into the Pit
no offense, but this map is equivalent to a trash pit. it's incredibly sloppy and jammed with weapons. and it is way too easy to get out of this map- a simple grenade jump and -blam!- you're outside the map. and if you only tested it with 2 people, why would you recommend this map for up to 16 players? SRSLY. 16 players on such a small map? that doesn't even make sense. oh, and btw: that trash idea seems pretty cool.
you should really interlock that double wall up top into the boxs so you dont have to jump on it and this really looks way to small for 16 people and you should maybe tone it down with all the weopons because the map is so small. this map has potental but as it stands if i was you i would make a neater and maybe bigger v2.
There aren't better words to describe it. Lemme guess, you're a community forger, just the particular one out of your little group of friends who likes to forge? And they think that your maps are cool? Well I've got some hardcore info, YOU REALLY NEED TO TAKE FORGING 101. P.S. The Falling trash idea is semi-cool. It tells that you're like me, not as good of a crafter as the average man (forgehub forger), but you've got some nice ideas?
Thanks you toasted kittuns, im over being nice about maps.. People need to look at Forging 101... Im sorry, but messy, rushed, and just plain not original maps SHOULDNT be on this site.. Look at the featured maps then look at the community maps.. Umm lol? Good concept, bad map